
Two goals of the dictator. What do Putin's new statements about war and future Russian

During a special meeting with Russian officials, Vladimir Putin stated that the success of the Russian army in the war against Ukraine is a major condition for further development of the Russian Federation. Does this mean that the Kremlin does not see any alternative, found out the focus.

According to Putin, the "successful completion of a special military operation", in particular, "Strengthening the Economic Base" for the needs of the army, the economic policy of the Russian Government for the next six years should be aimed at the next six years. Against this background, the statement of Putin speaker Peskov was synchronous, who said the following: "You know, the topic of negotiations is now, it has lost its relevance.

" Actually, Peskov answered questions about possible negotiations between Kiev and Moscow, which the newspaper The Washington Post reported. According to the newspaper, in the twenties of August, Ukraine and Russia were to send delegations to the Doha to negotiate a "historical agreement that would stop blowing on energy and energy infrastructure on both sides.

" Meanwhile, on Monday, August 26, Russia struck a massive rocket stroke in Ukraine and the overwhelming number of targets was the objects of energy. Experts with whom focus spoke are convinced that by turning on the plate about the unprecedented war, and therefore the inability to negotiate as such, the Kremlin pursues several goals at the same time.

In particular, political scientist Igor Chalenko in a conversation with focus notes the following: "Putin's binding" his "to the economic well -being of the Russian Federation - this is, on the one hand The fact that he will have methods for further restriction of these sanctions in different ways. No basis.

Having emphasized that Putin's recent statements are emphasizing the fact that the war is existential, the expert added: "The war with Ukraine actually needed Putin to keep the presidential power directly within the Russian Federation.

The success of Russia's future has actually shown that all its "denacification" statements are absolutely meaningless and this should be a clear and unambiguous signal for our allies so that they eventually stop looking at the Kremlin with fear without sparing paints for painting red lines " .

The political scientist is convinced that Putin's recent statements should turn the allies and, first, to encourage their taboos to use their missiles in the Russian territory, and secondly, to close his eyes to the launch of rockets with western spare parts in Ukraine.

"It is enough for allies to take a shameful ostrich position when, for example, the Russian" Shahamed "comes in 25 kilometers of their territory, and they say that they could not knock it down because To make clear diagnoses and to prescribe effective treatment. It is increasingly arrogant, which clearly showed a rocket-auction attack on August 26, "-said Igor Chalenko.

Putin, states the political scientist, cynically demonstrates that in order to preserve power, he is able to tie a war in Ukraine to the further fate of the Russian Federation, and therefore he will continue to commit crimes against humanity. In the current conditions, the most effective option, the expert sees the parity of capacity for Ukraine, since the Russian Federation understands solely the language of force.

"The more Russia loses either during hostilities in Ukraine directly, or when introducing Ukrainian special operations in the rear, the more it tries to contact. And this indicates that the parity of capacity must be provided with all the forces - both Western support and Western support The development of domestic MIC.

For his part, political scientist Igor Reityrovich in conversation with focus makes the following emphasis: "In fact, from the very beginning of a full -scale invasion, Ukraine systematically states that Putin is unhappy and will try to tighten" their ", and therefore, as they say in the Russian Federation. , so by riding the results, which are hopefully.

These painful statements made by Putin and the representatives of his regime are a kind of pressure on the western countries and at the same time a trade element. " According to the expert, Putin constantly tries to raise the bar as much as possible, and then, having reduced it, to make it as if Moscow made some concessions. "The Kremlin is constantly acting - first puts out some ultimatum with openly inadequate" hatches "and as a result can achieve some of them.

A good example can be a grain agreement here. The Russians initially made some requirements, and then they were lowered and the agreement was eventually implemented in practical The plane. Ukraine is the main condition for the further development of the Russian Federation, on the one hand it tries to mobilize the internal electorate, and on the other - it transmits a signal that you can negotiate with me, but on the base that is fundamentally important to me, " - said Igor Reityrovich.

Putin, according to the expert, despite the fact that the "success" of his "has already returned to a boomerang in the Kursk region, it is extremely important to demonstrate confidence always. It is this confidence that Putin is trying to demonstrate, stating that the Russian Federation will bring to "successfully completion". Meanwhile, according to Igor Reitrovich, the existing propaganda apparatus of the Kremlin can be presented to the Russians in any format and under any sauce.

"If the Russians tomorrow by Orwell say that the purpose of" their "was the lack of foreign troops on, as they say, the historic territory of the Russian Federation and by that moment the Armed Forces will leave the Kursk region, then it will be a great victory and a sufficient result for them. That is, from Putin's "success" has no problems with the results or consequences of the war as you want and as of today, as of today, to convince the Russians, "the political scientist states.

In his opinion, only a very small number of residents of the Russian Federation will ask questions like, and why the Kremlin killed the economy with its policy, and most importantly - hundreds of thousands of its citizens. As for the understanding of the situation from the Allies of Ukraine, according to Igor Reitrovich, a large part of them is, but the key problem is that the United States cannot currently be counted, the policies of which continue to remain overly cautious about Russia.

It is possible that the expert assumes, the situation will be partially changed before the US President's election on November 5, since Biden, using the fact that his hands are already fully resolved, can make some extraordinary decisions in order to give an additional impulse of the campaign Kamala Harris.