
Caribbean, but not a crisis: the United States responded to the departure of Russian ships to Cuba

Washington noted that this voyage will cost Russia very expensive. And also called the Fleet of the Russian Federation obsolete. This summer, Russia plans to send warships to the Caribbean region as part of the naval exercises, which will probably include events in the ports of Cuba and possibly stops in Venezuela, said a high-ranking US representative on Wednesday. But Washington does not consider this raid as a threat, Reuters writes.

The United States does not consider this step involving a relatively small number of ships and aircraft as a threat, but the US Navy will be monitored for training, the official said a small group of journalists. The tension in relations between the United States and Russia increased after Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022. The official stated that the activity of the Russian Navy was intensified through the support of Ukraine by the United States.

"It is said that Russia shows that it is still capable of a certain level of global power," the official said. According to the official, US officials informed the relevant legislators on the Capitol Hill about the movement of the Russian Navy. "As part of regular Russian military exercises, we expect that Russia will hold increased naval and air activity near the United States this summer.

The deployment is considered as part of ordinary naval activity, and the official Washington "does not bother the deployment of Russian troops that do not pose a direct threat to the United States," the official said. He noted that of course the movement of Russian ships would, of course, be observed. And they expect that the Fleet of the Russian Federation will enter the ports of Cuba, and probably Venezuela. Aviation flights will also not be a surprise.

According to the official, the White House is not perceived by anxiety, as Russia sent ships to the Western Hemisphere annually from 2013 to 2020. "We need to expect a continuation of this activity in the future, although we note that these deployment entails expenses for the Navy of Russia, which is trying to maintain combat readiness and deploy with its outdated fleet," the official said.