
Beijing showed Kuzkin's mother. What is the strategic design of the Chinese strategic missile launch

China was able to successfully launch an intercontinental ballistic missile. The analyst Mikhail Gonchar explains what it means in a geopolitical sense and what it looks against the backdrop of a grand Russian launch with Sarmat missile. On September 25, China spent a successful launch of the DF-31AG IBR (Dunfen "-31Ag, or" Eastern Wind "in translation). For the first time since 1980.

Start was in the Pacific Ocean, not in the desert of Tacla-Macan in the west of China, where Chinese MBRs are usually directed during testing launches. Starting is successful not only in view of the technical aspects, but also the political-the trajectory of the Eastern Wind has passed somewhere near the GUAM, with the base of the US Air Force and fell into the ocean near French Polynesia. In Washington, Tokyo, Canberry - "deep anxiety" and "serious concern", which is quite suited by Beijing.

This is exactly what they wanted in the Celestial. Particularly triumphantly, Chinese success looks against the backdrop of the Russian fiasco with Sarmat ICB at the Plesetsk Space Spale on September 21. But do not think that against the backdrop of how the PU with the next "analogue", Xi decided to quickly obtain a triumph and ordered the start of his modernized IBR.

It seems that Moscow and Beijing aimed to synchronize their test starts in order to show not just the Russian and Chinese "Kuzkin's mother" of the event each separately, but together! After all, it has been. Let me remind you. On July 24, four bombers-two Russian TU-95MC and two Chinese H-6-visited Alaska and acted in the Norad area.

The Russian Defense Ministry then noted that Russian and Chinese aircraft conducted a "joint patrol over Chukotsky, Bering Seas and the Northern Pacific" and "worked out issues of interaction at all stages of air patrol. " But on September 21, joint launches of the IBB should take place.

The Russian IBR "Sarmat" in the flight task had a goal not at the Kura Landfill (Kamchatka), but in the "water area"-the central part of the Pacific Ocean, where Russian MBR for starters and near that zone is directed from time to time. where the Chinese IBR was aimed at. But in Russia, they rode with the start of the PC-28. The Chinese paused for a few days, carefully checked and successfully launched. Thus, the Russian "Kuzkina Mother" fell off, and Chinese proved to be in full.

On September 21, as well as joint patrolling by strategic bombers on July 24, the joint start of the IBRU was planned with Moscow and Beijing for the purpose of demonstrating Russian-Chinese power in the context of Brix summit in Kazan in the 1920s. These actions were to demonstrate the US and NATO that the Russian-Chinese tandem is a resistance to Brix and thus not only cause additional fright in the western capitals, but also to strengthen the attractiveness of format for third countries.

Like, you see, even NATO members (Turkey) are already looking in Brix. But it did not happen, as it seemed, Moscow was leaning, Beijing triumphs. He succeeded, he showed again, who should be bet in tandem si - Pu. All that he was able to do after the Sarmat explosion to somehow consider the Kremlin to "keep his face" to move to another stage of nuclear paper escalation through the proposed doctrinal changes.

But this did not change the landscape on the Plesetsky cosmouse, as well as the physiomoid of the PU himself. Now the Kremlin thinks of the next stage of escalation, which, according to the ancient plan, lead to the scenario of "Caribbean crisis-2", but unlike Khrushchev, which was a bad conflict-manager, PU should receive a strategic concession from the USA. At this time, this did not succeed, the United States did not even respond to the placement of Druz in Belarus.