
Became a trap for the Russians: Forbes explained what is important to release the aggregate plant in Vovchansk

Journalists noted that the aggregate plant in Vovchansk could function as a kind of base for covering Russian troops that crossed the Vovcha River. The liberation of the Vovchansk aggregate plant eliminates the danger that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was for the Ukrainian army, which moves to the north to the Volchansk captured by Russia. Forbes writes about it.

It took three months to knock out the occupiers from the plant, during which the Armed Forces of Ukraine dropped bombs and pursued the Russians at the plant with the help of drones and snipers. When the Russian offensive in Vovchansk went down this summer, the Ukrainian counterattack gradually pushed the front line in the city further north, leaving the Russians at the chemical plant even more isolated than before.

The reconnaissance management waited until the surviving Russians were exhausted and then stormed the complex of at least four separate teams of special forces. They broke into the plant and cleaned its room at the room during the operation, which management described as "extremely complex and successful. " "GUR fighters carried out a systematic cleaning of the factory buildings, constantly entering into contact battles with the enemy in conditions of dense construction.

In some cases, Ukrainian special forces entered hand -to -handed clashes with the enemy," - said in the material, citing Ukrainian intelligence. Journalists explained that this aggregate plant could function as a kind of base for covering Russian troops, which crossed the Vovcha River, but instead became a trap for the occupiers. "It is unknown how many Russians remained alive at the plant at the time of its release.

At the beginning of the battle, hundreds of Russians were scattered on 30 buildings - a terrible force. They used some fire support from Russian artillery located in the north, and, according to reports received some supplies delivered by small drones, "the article reads.

In addition, according to Forbes, the release of PJSC "Vovchansky Plant" is also a revenge of the Ukrainian military whose comrades were on the other side of the cruel city siege after a full -scale invasion of Russia into the territory of Ukraine. "But this does not mean that Ukrainians have broken the course of the war. With the approach of winter, the fighting remains very variable," the journalists summed up.