
Armed Forces Aerobavovna Aerobavovna Aerosta to beat the occupiers: What are the best of drones (video)

Aircraft are new technology for the Defense Forces of Ukraine. They can provide communications for FPV-ots at a distance of 100 km and stay in the sky for weeks. Aerobavovna creates balloons for Ukrainian military, which can be used to observe, relay communication and drone control signals. As they work, the Militar YouTube channel told and showed the co-founder of the project Yuri Osvin Kuli, filled with helium, can be in the air for days and weeks.

According to Yuri Osen, the project began with the purchase of English balloons, and now produces its own. During his existence, its participants have already made about a hundred different balloons. Many technical details were improved, something had to be done. Now the projects of the project are very different from those that were one and a half years ago. The model displayed by Yuri will be tested to install the signal relaying for FPV-oka.

A relatively small balloon by 12 cubic meters raises a payload of an approximate weight of 4 kg to a height of 500 m and is in the air all day. The retranslator has a remote remote control, the drone operator switches and switches it off and thus retains the battery charge. "Our first balloons looked like a package with packages, you know, they all have in the kitchen. They were flying, but were not suitable for use in combat conditions," - says Yuri Osven.

The model of the balloon involved in the test of the repeater has already been tested on the front. It is clear how to manage it in real conditions, many improvements, including materials. A system that orients the Retranslator antenna was created in the direction where FPV will fly. The ball is usually turned against the wind, so the relay can not be directed in the way where you need. In fact, Aerobovna has developed their own Rhetrantor for FPV.

The mounted relay is capable of providing a 100 km distance, if it is at an altitude of 300 m. The larger model has a wire power up. With this scheme, the device will work for two weeks if you change the battery in time or fill the fuel into the generator. But this requires another, larger balloon that is longer and more difficult to maintain. Yuri's balloon shows a team of 2-3 people in 15 minutes. The team is now developing a special trailer, which will only take a few minutes.

The shape of the balloon is also specially designed for the conditions of use: "The problem is: if you lift and tie just a ball, it will be naked in a strong wind. Therefore, there should be a special aerodynamic shape that combines in fact both a ball and aerial snake. " Much of the necessary components of the balloon is made in Ukraine, part of foreign production materials. The ball itself, that is, the shell, costs relatively not much compared to the complex systems installed on the balloon.

Some of the balloons were injured on the front from a friendly fire when the fighters did not understand what the object was. But the balloon filled with helium is not pressure and loses gas and height very slowly. It reaches the earth only three hours after it has been lined. Due to this, in the case of falling, the payload remains intact if there were no direct hitting. The Aerobovna team trains the balloon operators, which only takes a day.

The supply includes all the necessary equipment: it includes a relay, Hymbal, cylinders for first dressing, a winch and a strip. According to Yuri, most soldiers do not know how to use balloons to complete tasks. Usually, in the world armies, this is a very closed information, with only those who directly observed the work of balloons in other armies. Therefore, the need for balloons is small, but it will grow with increasing use.

"If you remember, 20 years ago, drones were only big and expensive and only for Americans, and now they are done. Somewhere the same will be with balloons . . . There are tasks for which the balloons are better than drones, simply because they They can be in the air for days, not for hours or minutes . . . We can do a lot here, it is more important to simply teach the military, they have to come and at least once lift it with us to learn in this specificity. It is impossible to learn online normal . . .