
"Hybrid media-attack with a Russian track": Bulgarian politician Alexander Manolev commented on publications in the media

Bulgarian politician Alexander Manolev has published a statement in which he refutes any alleged accusation and emphasizes that this media attaches aimed at blocking the supply of weapons from the EU to Ukraine. "In the last 24 hours, I have understood how a hybrid media attacker is being done: you pay seemingly authoritative" European "site to place a dirty story about your opponent. Then you begin to replicate it in Russian publications," he wrote, reports.

In his statement, Manolev emphasizes that Russia has long been trying to disrupt the supply of European weapons to Ukraine. "Only one country is interested in talking such nonsense about weapons export to Ukraine a day before the election (parliamentary in Bulgaria - ed. Country. Recall that a few days ago, publications of Alexander Manolev with Bulgarian Biem appeared in Ukrainian media, which has contracts with many EU companies and has proven itself as a reliable weapon supplier.

In particular, BIEM is a supplier for Romanian state company Romarm, through which it provides the Armed Forces with many types of weapons, and works directly with the IUU defense procurement agency. In the Ukrainian media, these publications have spread with interpretation.