
New Coalitions and Training of the Armed Forces: Umerov summed up "Ramstin-15" (video)

According to the head of the defense department, within the new initiative, five priority clusters were allocated for the preparation of Ukrainian defenders for future challenges of war with Russia. After completing today's meeting in the Ramstein format, the head of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Rustem Umerov presented the first results of the event.

In his message, published on the Facebook page, Umerov noted that the meeting had an agreement on launching an initiative called Capabilites Coalition. He emphasized that the main purpose of this initiative is to prepare the Defense Forces of Ukraine for future challenges. In this regard, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has identified five priority clusters that need priority: Umerov also urged partners to continue supporting Ukraine and determine priority needs.

He stressed that the partners confirmed their obligations to support Ukraine. "I am grateful to the participants for the adamant support of Ukraine. Our army remains highly motivated even after nineteen months of fierce battles, and the Ukrainian people do not intend to give up," Umerov said. Umerov added that special attention was paid to the creation of IT coalition within the framework of the Ramstein format, which was attended by Ukraine, Estonia and Luxembourg.

The task of the IT coalition is to ensure a protected and stable IT infrastructure for the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Defense Forces, which should improve the efficiency in hostilities. Umerov summed up that the result of the work of the coalition should be better coordination, more efficient use of defense forces and optimal use of opportunities provided by partner countries.

The Minister of Defense also thanked the partners for productive meetings involved in defense ministers from the United States, Great Britain, Romania, Lithuania, Denmark, Sweden, Slovakia and Norway. "I hope the results of these meetings will soon be noticeable for our soldiers at the front," Umerov wrote. On September 19, the 15th Ramstein meeting took place, where US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced the arrival of Abrams M1 tanks to Ukraine.