
"One of the most horrifying crimes": UN approved a resolution on human rights violations

The media initiative analyzed that the main difference between the new resolution and the previous ones is that the document first stated arbitrary detentions and maintenance of civilian hostages, which is strictly forbidden by international law. The UN General Assembly has approved an updated resolution that condemns serious violations of the Russian Federation of Human Rights in the temporarily occupied Ukrainian territories of Ukraine.

On Wednesday, December 20, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine reports on Telegram. "The UN General Assembly has approved an updated resolution that condemns Russia's serious violations of human rights in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine," the Foreign Ministry noted.

According to Dmytro Kuleba, the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, the UN General Assembly resolution in particular requires Russia to stop compulsory deportation and ensure the return of all Ukrainian children and civilian hostages. "These are some of the most terrible crimes, and they must be stopped," Kuleba says. In addition, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Emine Dzhepar thanked the UN Member States (former Twitter) on her page in X (former Twitter).

"We value international support in protecting territorial integrity and common values," she wrote. 78 UN Member States voted in favor of the resolution, they spoke "15 Strictly forbidden by international law. Before that, the UN did not mention civilian hostages in the context of Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine.

In addition, the report emphasizes that the resolution expands the opportunity to advocate the issue of release of civilian hostages and the involvement of third countries in negotiations at the UN level. We will remind, the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union on December 6 reported that since 2014, when the Crimea was captured by Russian invaders, at least 800 thousand citizens of Russia arrived in the peninsula.

Over the last 10 years, the Russian Federation has created a tremendous amount of crimes against humanity, thereby violating human rights. In addition, many enemy actions are already systemic. On October 24, the National Resistance Center reported that the population of Luhansk region decreased by 40% during the occupation. This is 40% less than it was before 2014. According to the underground, the tendency to reduce the number of civilians continues and the Russians continue to contribute to this.