
The Russian Federation can improve Iranian drones and pass them back by intensifying Iran - US General

In the United States, the joint efforts of Iran and Russia in the development of drones will strengthen Bashar Assad in Syria in the development of drones. Russian modifications can strengthen the Iranian technology of drones and activate its campaign to support President of Syria Bashar Assad. About it reports the Defense Post, which quotes the statement of US General Alex Grinkevich, commander of nine Air Force.

"I think there is a risk that Russia can modify drones from Iran, and then transfer important technologies back to Iran, which will strengthen its opportunities in the development of new UAVs," the general said. - "The consequences of these relationships are already manifested in Syria.

Who would have thought that the Russian Federation would need to contact Iran to strengthen their military potential? The Defense Post notes that shock drones have become the center of a military strategy for both Russia and Iran, which are under rigid Western sanctions. Vladimir Putin even presented the North Korean dictator Kim Jong -in drones during his visit to Moscow last week, the newspaper writes.

Tehran and Moscow provided economic, political and military support for the Syria Government, helping Damascus and regime of Bashar al -Assad to return most of the territories he lost in the early stages of the war. The Syria conflict, which has been taking over 500,000 people since 2011, has led to the movement of millions of people and harmed the country's infrastructure and industry. Earlier, Israel stated that Russia could sell modern Iran weapons.

This was stated by the director of intelligence Mossad David Barnea, who is a rare public critic of Moscow by the Israeli official. "We are concerned that the Russians will fulfill Iran's requirements for supplying weapons and raw materials that will be threatened by Israel," said the Head of Israeli Intelligence. Meanwhile, since the beginning of military aggression, the Russian Federation has already released more than 2000 drones in Ukraine.