
"Ponton crossing disappeared": As FPV-punks violated the logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation near Kursk (video)

In the Russian Federation, they try to build pontoon crossings across the Seimas River, but Ukrainian UAVs are still attacked by pontons and engineering equipment. Ukrainian special operations of the Requiem Group unit forces destroy the FPV-Dron logistics of the Russian Federation Armed Forces in the Kursk region, in particular, affecting the equipment that builds pontoon crossings across the Seimas River.

The relevant personnel were posted by Ukrainian blogger and volunteer Sergey Sternenko in his Telegram. The published video shows how the Ukrainian FPV drones strike Russian engineering equipment in the Seimas River in the Kursk Oblast. Along the control of the river, you can also see elements of the pontoon bridge. The following are satellite images of the Seimas. "The ponton crossing has disappeared," the signature says.

According to Radio Liberty, it is one of the two pontoon crossings built through the Seimas River in the Kursk region, and Glushkovo and Glushkovo. Judging by satellite images, it "disappeared" between August 18 and 19. In addition, smoke was visible 500 meters from it. In turn, Defense Express experts identified the technique destroyed by drones. According to them, initially UAV affects the car PP-91m (PP-2005), which transports the pontoons and descends them on the water.

Then a car, similar to the EV-3521, which is essentially a "military excavator" came under the blow. We will remind, the forces of the defense of Ukraine struck the bridge across the river of the Seimas in the area of ​​the village of Karyzh of Glushkiv district of Kursk region, as well as two bridges of settlements Glushkovo and called.

According to the coordinator of the group "Information Resistance", military expert Alexander Kovalenko, if the Armed Forces really destroyed all three bridges across the Seimas River, then in fact the entire Glushkivsky district will be in isolation. At the same time, Russian troops are trying to establish communications with pontoon bridges.