Russian "elite" did not reach Sudzh
The Ukrainian serviceman in his Telegram channel "Ranger UA" said that Russian special forces were transferred to the Kursk direction, but they work without results. "P*Snyvaya special crying that they are thrown into the direction of Kursk, for" Purishing the fire ". Already several units of the SCO P*sleep work there, but as we see without results. But, they should not be underestimated, especially" Senezh ", especially" Senezh - said the fighter. Uha). But, with the other hand, this is a minus.
Because we know how they work, so we do not need to underestimate them, "he added. The Armed Forces officer said that the occupiers tried to go on armored vehicles. " SPTSURA came whether it was Akhmata-tea. to the judge for 3-4 units of armored vehicles, "Alex said. He stressed that the enemy went" beautiful "as a parade. According to the military.
In words, "they were dismantled" there In this situation, the gifts of the tri*were in the distance, because these come ready to fight, " - said Stanislav Bunyatov. " Osman "emphasized that last time the hostile units resisted strong resistance to the RDC, did not do without consequences. We will remind, on August 7 in the media reported that in the Kursk region (RF) there were no tank and artillery units for protection. After all, they were all sent to the front to Ukraine.