
Masha Efrosinin in Russia was sentenced to seven years of colony in absentia

Moscow Basmanny District Court accused TV presenter Maria Efrosinin of "spreading military" fakes "about the Russian army on the motives of political hatred. " Masha Efrosinin was sentenced to seven years in Russia in absentia. Efrosinin was accused of the Basmann District Court, in particular, "the spread of deliberately false information about the murder of civilians" (paragraph "D" of Part 2 of Article 207. 3 of the Criminal Code).

Previously, she was also arrested in absentia, making the international wanted list. About it writes "Infanty Time" with reference to the Telegram-channel Sotavision and for correspondents from the courtroom. The reason for the sentence was her posts on social networks and Instagram. The TV presenter was also banned from administering sites for three years. According to the court order, the criminal case on Efrosinin was initiated on April 7, 2022.

In March 2023, she was wanted, and in May, the Basman district court sent her to a pre-trial detention center in absentia. In court, the prosecutor stated that during the study of evidence of the guilt of the Ukrainian TV presenter, the testimony of persons who possess "special knowledge and with confirmed competence" was examined. He requested the TV presenter for seven years in a colony of the general regime, but asked to keep in mind that she had a minor son.

The court's ruling states that, while remaining at large, Efrosinin "can continue to engage in criminal activity" - that is, to write about the war in Ukraine and actions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Article 207. 3 of the Criminal Code (public dissemination of deliberately false information on the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation) was included in the Criminal Code in March 2022.

Thus, the Russian authorities responded to anti -war speeches and statements, as well as the dissemination of information about the war in Ukraine, which did not come from official sources. The maximum punishment under the article is 15 years in prison. Efrosinina is a Ukrainian journalist, a native of Kerch. She made her debut on UT-1, worked on the New Channel. She collaborated with Russian TV channels.

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, she has written an appeal to former colleagues in the Russian Federation, which support the invasion of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, urging them to "stop lying about the war. " The man of Efrosinina - businessman Yegor Khromaev - a military Armed Forces. Masha noted that her husband was a volunteer in the Armed Forces and served in the 112nd brigade, in the frontline, for over a year.