
The reason for the war was the thirst for peace. Why NATO and Europe and the US were not ready for the aggression of

The end of the Cold War was mistakenly accepted at the end of the history of wars, writes political scientist Yaroslav Romanchuk. As a consequence, a reduction in weapons costs, which pushed Russia to aggression. The pursuit of peace was the cause of war. Transatlantic partnership countries met the collapse of the Soviet totalitarian system. The empire of victorious Marxism/Leninism was a spike on clay legs, but with nuclear weapons and huge reserves of death instruments.

It seemed to many that the era had come when it was possible to radically reduce the government's defense expenditures, the army and its technology. The assumptions of even many NATO countries were as follows: all these assumptions were false, false, false. Life went to a completely different trajectory. Unfortunately for the world, virtually all transatlantic partnership countries have decided to get a dividend of peace by reducing defense costs.

This did not mean reducing taxes, states, but increasing the presence of the state in the economy in general, in social sectors (education, health care) in particular. Over the past 50 years, in G20 countries, defense costs, as % of GDP, have decreased from 3. 8 % of GDP on average in the 1970s to 2. 4. Particularly significant was the reduction of military expenditures in the United States, from 6. 0% in 1980 to 3. 9% of GDP since the early 2000s.

In other NATO members, military expenditures decreased from 2. 8% of GDP in the 1980s to 1. 6% of GDP from the early 2000s. China's military expenses in absolute terms have become the second largest volume in the world, but as a proportion of GDP, they were close to the average in the OECD countries. Since the mid-1990s, Russia had higher military expenses that increased sharply in the last decade. In 2022, some OECD countries increased military expenses (Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Poland).

France, Germany and Japan have approved programs to increase military costs by 0. 4 - 1% of GDP. Canada and Italy have accepted the target - military expenses at 2% of GDP, Britain - 2. 5% of GDP. The US and P. Korea, who have the highest proportion of military expenses for GDP, do not plan to increase it. The average share of the military budget for investments in equipment is 20%, for staff - 48%, for maintenance and military goods of single use (ammunition, missiles, shells) - 29%.

R&D costs in the military sphere remain very low except the US. The Russian War in Ukraine has become a real shock for OECD/NATO/EU. All those scientists, analysts, polysimayers, as well as beneficiaries of abandoning adequate military expenditures have been mistaken. The dividend of peace has led to the creation of favorable conditions for the revival of Nazism in the fulfillment, perhaps, the most intricate network organization in human history - NKVD/KGB/FSB.

Putin and his imperial console used a dividend of peace to strengthen himself and return to the policy of genocide, blackmail, murder and total lies. Today, it is time to admit that Détente's ideologues, beneficiaries have become accomplices, partners, agents or useful idiots of neonacism of Russia. Look where the state switched after abandoning adequate military expenditures.

17 goals of sustainable development, agenda - "zero emission", biodiversification, collectivist rights (women, lgbtqia2s+, African Americans, inhabitants of the global south, precariat ETC. , Culture of cancellation/vouchering, as a new censorship and imposing a sense of collective guilt ). Such an agenda restarted the totalitarian Leviathan and allowed him to let the tentacles into dozens of countries with a fairly high level of democracy and freedom.

As a consequence, we not only have an impotent global security system, a hole system of international law and the sharp growth of trade protectionism, enhanced by currency wars, but also a deep crisis of democracy. And all because a group of Western idealists/utopians on the one hand and cynics/pragmatics, on the other, decided to believe those who hid for the concepts of "democracy", "liberalism", "freedom" their totalitarian, Nazi, human -hatred.

The short -term dividends of peace/NATO/EC received in the short term were trapped in the short term. Very dangerous and destructive. We are already paying a very high price for a strategic, worldview of the state's functionality after the collapse of the Soviet Empire of Evil. The highest price is paid by Ukraine. It was the victim of the decisions that the event made in the mid-1990s, when we were taken away from nuclear weapons.