
Putin will not be able to survive Ukraine: in the United States named the main priority of the future NATO summit

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken stated that in the states they want to make sure that Ukraine will succeed in the future and can stand firmly on their feet in economic, military and democratic aspects. In the future, the NATO summit, which will be held in Washington next month, the main theme will be long -term support for Ukraine. This was stated during the press conference by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.

According to him, in recent weeks, the United States and other partners have made a lot of efforts to strengthen Ukraine's support. Defense forces must have everything necessary to strengthen the front line and stop the advance of the Russians. Blinken also stated that a document recently signed by the United States and Ukraine became the 17th Agreement after President Joe Biden declared an initiative during the G7 Summit last year.

"To the NATO summit, we expect that about twenty, and possibly more, countries will sign bilateral security agreements with Ukraine," Blinken said. He also noted that this would be proof that all partner countries support Ukraine in the long run. This also applies to economic pressure on Russia, which is exacerbated by Washington. "If Putin believes that he can survive Ukraine or any of us, he is wrong.

Our help demonstrates practical results, the country can reflect Russian aggression," Blinken said. According to him, the states want to make sure that Ukraine will succeed in the future and can stand firmly on their feet in economic, military and democratic aspects. "NATO's Summit will contribute to these efforts," Blinken said. Earlier, NATO Secretary General Stoltenbreg said that at a summit in Washington they would not identify "no dates" on Ukraine's membership.