
Putin's nuclear threats only blackmail: it will happen with Stalin after death - smooth (video)

There will be many people in Putin himself who are ready to abandon all the charms of the civilized world and spend their entire lives in the hopper, says Analytik Valentin Gladkiki. There are no "red lines" in Russia, and all its threats with nuclear weapons are nothing more than blackmail. Still, US President Ronald Reagan spoke of intimidation of a nuclear war on the part of the USSR who did not really want it, but wanted to achieve his goals through blackmail.

This was stated in an interview with Focus by the candidate of philosophical sciences and an expert of the Analytical Center "United Ukraine" Valentin Gladkiki. According to the analyst, this "nuclear brow" has not emerged yesterday and humanity lives in similar conditions of risk since the second half of the last century. During the USSR, everyone lived in the conditions of nuclear escalation and psychologically adapted to this danger.

"If Putin has decided to pull this old concept from Naphthalene and thinks he could achieve what he could not achieve the threats of the USSR, then he is severely mistaken," notes smooth Vietnam, but the USSR and the US did not use nuclear weapons because it is pointless. " According to the expert, it is unlikely that there will be many people in Putin who are ready to give up all the charms of the civilized world and spend their entire lives in the hopper.

Although Putin is actively applauded and supported at all official events, which is a public support for Stalin and what happened after his death, Gladkikh notes. "The same Khrushchev from the close environment of the tyrant was the first to miss his cult," the analyst emphasizes. "The question is rather whether there are people who are ready to resist him in Putin. Unfortunately, there are no such people now.

" However, according to the expert, there are probably many people who are dissatisfied with Putin and his course. Although the so -called "Putinists", as the "Stalinists" will survive the tyrant, but the Kremlin opportunists will quickly merge all his ideas. "Putin is needed not only to achieve any foreign policy goals," he notes smooth. "He is needed primarily for internal political tasks that he, in fact, is still solving.