
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will be left without chips: the Russians bankrupt their manufacturer

The electronics manufacturer Angustrem will not be able to execute state defense, as it owed the corporations of the web. rf 1. 3 billion rubles. The Russian manufacturer of microelectronics Angstrom can go bankrupt and completely close. The company owed the State Corporation of the GPF over a billion rubles ($ 10. 8 million), Cnews writes.

The Russian publication complains that in connection with the non -payment of debt and the blocking of Angustre's accounts will not be able to fulfill the great state defense. What they ordered from the enterprise is not specified. However, it is known that bankruptcy has been brought to the company by another Russian company - web. In March 2023, the court obliged the electronics manufacturer to pay the State Corporation of the GRF debt in the amount of 1. 3 billion rubles.

The media clarifies that the debt, in fact, is not Angstrom, but the Angstrom-T factories, which at that time was already bankrupt. Earlier, the factory took a big loan of hundreds of millions of USD on web, but could not pay it. And Angustre was involved as a guarantor. The company appealed and indicated that in the case of payment of debt, it would be left without funds and would not be able to execute the state defense, and also appealed to the Supreme Court of Russia.

Blocking of accounts has led to the fact that the manufacturer of chips could not use the State Subsidia from the Government of the Russian Federation, which was allocated for the development of production. Earlier, Angstrom JSC and the Angstrom-T factory belonged to Leonid Reiman-the former Minister of Communications of the Russian Federation. With regard to web, this corporation is engaged in financing the socio-economic projects of Russia. It is included in the EU and US sanction lists.

We have reported that China would lose the ability to detour Chip bypassing US sanctions. The states did not like the fact that Huawei continues to produce advanced chips, despite sanctions. The company was suspected of organizing a secret supply network. They also wrote that a powerful blackwell b200 chip will help you create a si with trillion parameters. The manufacturer promises that new processors will be 25 times more energy efficient than Hopper accelerators.