
Nuclear terror begins. What are the results of the rocket strokes of the Russian Federation on Ukraine's energy

Analyzing the situation in Ukrainian energy after a rocket attack on August 26, the market expert Volodymyr Omelchenko sees it by the main sense of the impact on the system of transmission of capacities from NPPs. This is what the current rigid schedules of electricity are related. Why such rigid schedules of hourly shutdowns are introduced - a version of 99%.

There are all the signs that Russia has caused a missile strike on infrastructure from the transmission of power from NPPs, and in order to break the information in the information that caused the gene. Gross Director at the Kursk NPP for fake accusations against the Armed Forces. The crime was prepared carefully and in advance in the best traditions of the KGB. The IAEA's statement about the Risks about the Security of the CHAAC is additionally confirmed by my expert analysis.

Why did I come to this conclusion? Because NPPs, together with the RES, were 75% of production together - 60 NPPs and 15 RES. It is unprofitable to beat because they are many and they are small. The TPP is almost all destroyed or damaged, the hydroelectric power plants work at a minimum of capacities and require a lot of missiles. Therefore, solely strokes on the power transfer system from NPPs, which were made, could be caused by such rigid schedules throughout Ukraine.