
The worst tools: GUR told about the poisoning of Budanov's wife by Russian agents (video)

Intelligence noted that the Russians act against Ukraine not only on the front line with a machine. To achieve his, the enemy uses the dirtiest methods. The representative of the Ministry of Defense Ministry of Defense Andriy Yusov said that Kirill's wife, Budanova Marianna, is currently at home. Doctors continue to be monitored, and it gradually overcomes the effects of poisoning, which has become known on November 28.

The situation on the mass attempted attempt on the lives of the employees of the GUR Defense Ministry was discussed in an interview, which was given by Yusov of the portal "We - Ukraine". According to the intelligence representative, the doctors wrote Marianna Budanov from the hospital. The woman is under the supervision of doctors and it will last a long time. He also explained that the health of the victim is "under control".

The Defense Ministry of Defense conducts an internal investigation into an incident with mass poisoning of several high -ranking employees, Yusov explained. He stressed that the enemies are even in the rear and need to be vigilant. "Undoubtedly, in a full -scale invasion, we all have to be alert and understand that the enemy is not only on the front line with a machine. He uses the worst tools to achieve his dirty goals.

" Yusov said nothing about the health of other workers who suffered together with Marianna Budanova. It should be noted that on November 28, journalists of the Babel newspaper reported that Marianna Budanova, the wife of the head of GUR Kiril Kiril Budanova, found herself in a hospital with symptoms of poisoning. Later it became known that other employees were injured: it was noted that these were not ordinary people in intelligence.

According to preliminary assumptions, unknown attackers could use arsenic or mercury for the crime. It was also indicated that the substance that got inside the organisms of the victims had no smell and taste. Symptoms were the first to show themselves from Budanov's wife because she has a "more fragile" body, the media sources explained. Unnamed sources of journalists also told what the health of Kirill Budanov.

The man did not feel the symptoms of poisoning: "He did not find anything," the media interlocutors said. On December 2, the President's office published some data on the investigation of the incident in GUR. According to previous results, poisoning could be performed by "Kremlin agents". Officials reminded that the Russian agency was planted in Ukraine all 30 years of independence. And now spies can come even from "third countries".