
Not Biden, not Scholtz and not Suzak: who will help Ukraine win the war

In the decisive year of the war, Ukrainians need to combine their natural idealism with a sober look at what is happening, volunteer Gennady Druzenko writes. It should be understood that it drives our enemies and allies - and to use it to win the sobriety of human maturity is determined by the sobriety of the view of the world.

This does not mean that it is necessary to put up with his defects and imperfection, not at all! Just to make the world at least a little better, it must be perceived (but not necessarily accept!) The way it is. It is possible to cure a patient only by making the right diagnosis . . . This world is mixed with idealism that does not allow him to turn into a stagnant swamp, and pragmatism, which sometimes goes into cinnetic cynicism, but does not allow the world to sink into the cherry of dreams.

If the world were idealistic, we would already have not only whole F-16 regiments but also F-35, not only hundreds of Taurus'ov, but also thousands of tomatov, and Ukrainian units would fight side by side with American, British , French and Polish soldiers. But the event categorically does not want to participate in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Moreover, he does everything to keep this war under control.

And since there are few levers of influence on Putin's Russia, he can only control the course of hostilities by dozing the supply of weapons and ammunition to Ukraine and putting clear restrictions on their use.

In the end, our main allies are countries whose most prominent leaders in the last century, without blinking, came to visit Stalin to Crimea, less than a year after he brutally deported from the Crimean Tatars, and agreed to give him annexed at the beginning World War II, although hundreds of thousands of Poles side by side with the British and Americans liberated Europe from the Nazis . . .

No one other than Sir Winston Churchill, told Polish General Anders, Chief of the 2nd Polish Corps and Hero of Battle of Monte Casino: "By concluding a treaty with Poland, Britain has never guaranteed Polish borders; we guaranteed and promised that Poland would exist as a free, independent state, completely sovereign, strong and big, as well as that its citizens would live a happy life and have the opportunity to develop freely without any outside influence from the outside.

" It was 1944, the fifth year since the United Kingdom declared war on Nazi Germany because of the attack on the Union Poland. In the Polish capital, the Warsaw uprising was chosen by the blood. And the leader of Britain wrote to the woman: "The more often I see with him [Stalin], the more he likes" . . .

I remembered this episode, because this year - especially if it becomes obvious that Trump wins in the upcoming presidential elections in the United States - will try Plant at the Kremlin negotiation table. The approximate ceasefire conditions that Putin could agree to have recently published The Wall Street Journal, naming the purpose of these conditions "turning Ukraine into a castrated state.

" We need to understand that the most favorable time for us of the Russian-Ukrainian war, when hundreds of thousands were fought in the chances, and millions-thanks to these hundreds-could live more or less ordinary life-in the past. Finland, in order to conceive with the USSR in 1945, we needed not only to agree to the Soviet military bases in its territory, but also to plant the leaders of anti -Soviet resistance in 1940 . . .

In order to stand this difficult year, we must combine our idealism that gives us the strength to fight. , with a sober look at the world. Which, by and large, is not guilty of us. Unlike the same Poland in 1939, we have no allies who would have a legal obligation to protect Ukraine with weapons in the event of an attack on it. Although Poland did not help then… I see great trials ahead that can develop into a tragedy if we do not mobilize as two years ago in the spring.

For all sincere gratitude to our friends and allies, our power holders finally see and delay that the main allies of the Ukrainian authorities are the forces of defense and the Ukrainian people, not Biden, Scholtz, Macron or Snak. And such awareness should radically change the relationship of the President and those who elect the state.