
Russian boots again attacked focus on Telegram: As the editorial office answered (photo)

Hundreds of accounts filled with hundreds of the same types of messages of the edition of focus on Telegram. The editorial office responded to the flow of posts with propaganda of the Russian Federation and acted in accordance with the recommendations of cybersecurity experts. On the morning of September 13, a flock of spambots attacked the Telegram-channel of focus, filling up the pro-Kremliv messages.

Each publication commented on the termination of the war on the conditions of the Russian Federation, the complete surrender of Ukraine and the countries of the West, which are manipulated by Ukrainians. The focus gathered a collection of posts with hostile narratives and told how the editorial was reacted. Under the posts in Telegram "Focus: News, Analytics, Articles" September 12-13 began to show activity users of the messenger with nicks written, mainly in Russian.

Among them, for example, were the names "Mark Volkov", "Dmitry Polyakov", "Andrey Bogdanov" and others. Under the news of the threats of Russian President Vladimir Putin, they wrote pro -Russian theses about "loss of people" through rockets in the Russian Federation, about Ukrainians as "puppets of the event" and about money that Ukraine seems to flood Ukraine to continue the war.

Similar messages have appeared under news on other topics, testify to the screenshots that the editorial board has made. There was also activity under the news of the losses of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: the authors regret the Russians and called on "to sign peace". The news of increased mobilization has led to statements about "slaves" and about the "struggle to the last Ukrainian" - the abstracts that are distributed by Russian propaganda.

The focus reacted to hundreds of messages from hundreds of accounts, which were identified as bots. During the day, administrators blocked a hundred accounts. As a result, to neutralize them, for some time disconnected comments under the news in the channel. It should be noted that in August 2024 the focus channel in Telegram was already suffering from spam-attack bots.

At one time there was a downpour of the same type, in which Ukrainians were called for surrender and friendship with the Russian Federation. The purpose of such attacks may be an attempt to show that Ukrainian citizens do not want to restore justice and punish the country that stole almost a fifth of the territory from them, journalists noted. Digital company Kr. Laboratories told how to counteract spam attacks that media, government agencies, individuals or private companies may be affected.