
How Ukrainians can get the status of a person with disabilities as a result of war: Explanation

Those who have suffered from Russian shelling of explosive objects in the territories controlled by Ukraine may receive financial assistance. The government has updated the process of registration of the status of a person with a disability obtained as a result of the war. Now those who have been the victim of Russian shelling of explosive objects in the territories controlled by Ukraine are also right for this status. This was reported by the Government Portal.

At the proposal of the Ministry of Veterans of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers made changes to the legislation. These changes extend the grounds for establishing a relationship between disabilities and injuries or health injuries received by civilians from explosive objects.

From now on, the status of a person with disabilities as a result of war will be able to obtain not only civilian residents of the regions where (or occurring) hostilities, but also those who have suffered from Russian shelling of explosive objects in other territories under the control of Ukraine. These facts will be confirmed by the local territorial bodies of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine (SES).

Thanks to the initiative of the Ministry of Veterans, the process of applying and establishing statuses for persons with disabilities as a result of war, as well as members of the families of fallen servicemen became easier. After the start of a full -scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine, the process of obtaining the status was much more complicated; In some cases, it took up to 8 months or more.

As a result, the persons with disabilities and the families of the victims were confronted with restricted access to the benefits and services that the state guaranteed them. Recently, it is possible to get in 30 days in two days: in addition to the application with the necessary data to obtain the status, nothing else is required. Collection of documents that are missing, lies not on veteran, veteran or families of the dead, but on the competent authorities.