
Against the background of war in Ukraine: Norway is experiencing missiles for fighters - the media

If Norway is attacked and fighters have to fight in the air, then the available missiles will not be enough to equip all the planes. F-35 use Air-Air-air missiles Amraam. Norway bought new F-35 fighters worth tens of billions of crowns, withdrawing from the F-16 weapons, and then the purchase was called the largest investment in the public sector of all time. About it writes NRK.

And if Norway is attacked and fighters have to fight in the air with enemy fighters, such rockets will not be enough to equip all planes at the same time. "If it is true, it is horrible," says security researcher at the Norwegian Institute of Foreign Policy Karsten Frise, emphasizing that if a combat aircraft can only fly but not shoot, then "work is simply not done.

" He believes that fighter aviation should not only be able to intervene, if necessary, but also restrain the potential aggressor from attacks. F-35 use Air-Air-air missiles Amraam. Their Ministry of Defense calls the "main weapons", which Norwegian battle planes will be used to protect airspace. Although the F-35 aircraft have other weapons for air combat, it is these missiles that have the highest range of arms available today.

Norway chose the F-35 as its new combat aircraft in 2008, and in 2017, the first three F-35 devices arrived in the country. In the same year, the US authorities stated that Norway had received approval for the first purchase of 60 AMraam missiles. The Norway Defense forces did not comment on the number of missiles available, stating that it was secret information, but they confirmed that fighters really needed more weapons. "Today we have weapons of both air-air and air-land.

We have stated the need for more weapons, and it was ordered. So we are in the same situation as almost all other NATO members. Delivery time is large because there is a great need in Ukraine, - said NRK, Norway, Norwegian Rhway Follaland. Not delivered. Then it is very stupid not to use the capabilities of a combat aircraft. It's like fighting, laying one hand behind your back. This is very ineffective and very expensive, "Fryis says.

However, after a full -scale invasion of Ukraine, the demand for Amraam missiles has grown sharply. Raytheon manufacturer in the United States publicly stated that he produces no more than 1200 missiles a year. They wanted more weapons in stock. It is set up until the F-35 has worked for several years. Or for war in Ukraine. Frisis, who carefully monitors what NATO countries do and how the war in Ukraine affected the security situation, says the war has shown even more clearly these needs.