
"Opportunities for Provocations": China is concerned about Putin's convergence with Kim Cenn In

South Korean expert Pak Beung Kwan believes that North Korea wants to return to the Cold War, when Pyongyang had two sponsors, which she could encourage competing with each other. The head of the People's Republic of China (China), Xi Jinping, sent a high-ranking official to Pyongyang to confirm the "deep friendship" of China with the Korean People's Democratic Republic (DPD), as in Beijing is growing anxiety with the President of the President of the Russian Federation with the President.

Financial Times writes about it. It is reported that the visit of the Chairman of the Permanent Committee of the All -China Assembly of Zhao Letzi People's Representatives in the DPRK was the first meeting at the highest level between China and North Korea for almost five years.

The director of the Chinese Program of the Center Dimson Jun Sun believes that although the convergence of Kimchen in and Putin does not pose a direct threat to China, Beijing is concerned about the prospect of loss of long -term impact on North Korea. "If North Korea receives weapons technologies from Russia, North Korea will receive the best technologies and opportunities for provocations. This is the most serious potential problem for China," the analyst said.

North Korea expert from the Royal College of London Ramon Pacheco Pardo also noted that the relationship between Moscow and Pyongyan for the first time in many years became closer than between Beijing and Pyongyang.

For his part, the director of the Center for International Cooperation at the State Institute of South Korea National Security Strategy, Pak Bung Kwan believes that Beijing will not be glad to "rapprochey of the Russian Federation and the DPRK, as this may reduce Beijing's impact on Pyongyan. "Kim wants to return to the Cold War, when North Korea had two sponsors that she could encourage competing with each other," - says Pak Bung Kwan.

At the same time, North Korea expert from Kukmin's University in Seoul Andriy Lankov believes that China was "quietly satisfied" by supplying weapons from the DPRK to the Russian Federation, as he does not want to be in a position when "Moscow is despaired and asks for weapons. " "Instead, North Korea supplies weapons - a convenient solution," the expert said.

We will remind, on March 28, during a vote at a meeting of the UN Security Council 13 of the 15 members of the organization supported the resolution on monitoring sanctions against North Korea experts of the UN, but the Russian Federation opposed. Earlier, on March 26, the media wrote that the Russians began to deliver direct oil supply to North Korea bypassing the UN sanctions. So, at least five North Korean tankers visited the Eastern Port in the Russian Far East in March for oil products.