
An unpleasant threat. Can the world leave Ukraine alone with the Russians?

The ability to adapt is one of the most important features of Ukrainian national character, writes analyst Vitaliy Rudenky. The Russians expect that it will work in their favor, but they cannot make such pleasure! A few weeks ago, he mentioned that the Russians have studied our weaknesses well, and we somehow forget about them. One of these weaknesses is our adaptability. We were mostly not very pleasant in the past, sometimes bitter and even catastrophic, and it was necessary to live somehow.

Here we have learned to live in all circumstances-to grow flowers in a minor. The Russians know it very well. Their methods are very simple - to capture, to pass active, to keep a little in apt conditions - and people are accustomed. I assume that when we all talked about the inability to keep such a large territory such as Ukraine, by force, the authors of the plan of the attack smiled quietly and said, "Nothing, get used to. " This is now working in free territories.

For example, there are many complaints about the "civil way of spending time" in Kiev. And here they immediately put a sign of equality, saying "all these people forgot about the war. " My experience of conversations and observations (I have not conducted any special studies) says people - they are adapting to new conditions, and this is not identical to "forget about the war". The war is still in their thoughts, but the way of spending time is no longer military.

And this will continue to happen naturally, because it is such a feature of Ukrainians. They have acquired such behaviors in the past. And the more we will pull out of the past scandals, naphthalene Farions and TD and TP, the faster this adaptation will happen in a not very good direction. Adaptability is a two -edged sword. It can be directed, can be done so that the help of armed forces and daily work for resistance has become a role model.

However, this will not happen by itself, a very conscious work in the direction is needed - an honest conversation about difficult circumstances, examples of people who make their work in civilian and military life, films, reports are needed. We need to consciously keep people focus in war and offer them role models that will help you adapt in the right direction. There is another unpleasant threat here. It can happen that the world is finally crazy, and we will stay alone with the Russians.

Then we will be forced to conclude some humiliating Minsk N. Our adaptability will then force the new border to take as a status quo. And we probably won't find the strength to take revenge. In such a scenario, we would need to accept the Japanese model of behavior. That is, sincerely admit that we were humiliated. Remember this humiliation and resort to gather everything necessary from all over the world - tools, technologies, practices, management methods, etc. for the sole purpose.

In order to become much stronger, and when the right moment comes, pay off the Russians, pick up their own and take revenge. This Japanese behavior is not inherent in nature, it is that we will need to grasp very rationally. Conduct this identity. And it will not happen to itself, it is an uncontrollable edge of work for the elite in the broad sense of the word. By the way, I also noticed this tendency to adapt.

Therefore, I decided to do two things for myself: from the first and the second, my actions come, and it is no longer emotions, these are practices that have become part of a normal day. This is a conscious workout. Do not perceive this as the truth in the last instances, it is rather my search and what helps me now. Maybe it will help you. It is necessary to look, to experiment - everyone. Do not pretend that nothing happens. The district will pay for everything.