
"Information will be checked": the Ministry of Internal Affairs answered whether the Russian Federation could monitor the Ukrainians through cameras

Interior Minister Igor Klimenko stressed that data from video cameras on Ukrainian roads could not be transmitted to other countries, and the complex protection system is quite reliable. The data of the journalistic investigation that camcorders with software from the Russian manufacturer have worked in Ukraine for years will be carefully checked. The Interior Minister Igor Klimenko announced this on the air of the telecommunication.

He stressed that information from the surveillance cameras on Ukrainian roads could not be transmitted to other countries. "The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, our technicians clearly say that our information could not get into any server of another country," the statement said. According to Klimenko, the cameras that are on the roads can only take pictures of the car, and the system of complex protection of information is quite reliable.

"Another thing is that the information that has been covered in the journalistic investigation, of course, needs careful research and study. Including the Ministry of Internal Affairs," he said. The Minister of Internal Affairs noted that many cameras were of Asian origin, that is, "hypothetically could convey information.

" "And this is not only the special services, but also for the utilities that installed these cameras and which, including, also uses the Ministry of Internal Affairs," Klimenko added. According to him, a great job is ahead to "check this information, look at this problem again and try to answer. " "In the near future we will give a joint answer to further technical protection of information, including camcorders," the minister said.

We will remind, according to the investigators of the project "Schemes", in Ukraine before the invasion of Russia in 2022 established thousands of camcorder, the signal of which came to the servers of Russian special services. Systems were supervised by the Chernobyl NPP, city streets in Poltava and in a number of other settlements of the country. The cameras were freely sold at the trading platforms, bought by ordinary citizens and commercial companies of different scale.

Journalists found out that in Ukraine, video cameras were actively sold, which installed Trassir software from the Russian company DSSL. Together with experts, they saw that the video flow, before getting on the screen, for example, a smartphone, is sent to intermediate servers. In addition, it was found that the servers are located in Moscow and owned by Digital Network and VK companies. Companies have several Russian resources - search engine, social network, mail server.