
"Mopedes" will fly like rockets: whether the Russian Federation is upgraded Shahd in Iran - expert

According to military expert Mikhail Zhirokhov, Dron-Kamikadze will receive an unstable engine, but will fly faster. Iran may not sell updated devices, but the Russian Federation is able to process them on its own. Iran showed a test of an advanced drone-Kamikadze Shahd, who received a new motor and a improved starting unit. Updated drones will fly silently and will pose new threats to Ukraine if they acquire the Russian Federation for the task of strikes on infrastructure.

Military expert and aircraft Mikhail Zhirokhov explained the peculiarities of the processed drone-Kamikadze and whether the Kremlin can buy it. The expert evaluation was published on the NV portal. The portal noted that the Iranian authorities posted a video of trial trials. Experts noted that the drones-Kamikadze received a turbouoable engine. They also noticed a somewhat advanced starting unit, but the details were not visible - they did not get into the frame.

Zhirokhov explained that Iran regularly shows that constantly improving military equipment developed by military designers. Therefore, a large park of various drones has been created over the years. But the Russian Federation was unable to access them. According to the expert, this is because Iran produces small parties of new weapons: it is too little and it is needed to equip its own army. That is why the Kremlin will receive improved drones.

The expert also told how Shahd's characteristics can change after improvement: instead of a two -cylinder carburetor engine - turbouoable. Systems that use liquid fuel are "unstable". Western designers abandoned them in the 50-60 years of the last century. In addition, the turbouoable engine will not increase the range of shahd, on the contrary: if earlier the drone could fly 1000 km (approximately), now - 500 km.

However, it must be acknowledged that the drone will overcome a shorter distance, but it will increase its speed. "Purely theoretically, the drone range will be lower due to the fact that he will have a higher speed," the expert said. Also, one should not expect that the number of explosives, which will carry the updated drone (in the usual version-30-40 kg) will increase.

The existing design of "Shahaneda" makes it possible to identify it by a characteristic sound, similar to the sound of a moped, recalled Zhirokhov. There will be no such sound with a updated drone. Instead, he suggested that it can be found on a thermal trail - "purely theoretically". However, the problem is that the engine operates in pulse mode with an unknown frequency: "Because these engines are pulsed and at what frequency they will work, no one knows.

" Although Iran is unlikely to sell the updated drones-Kamikadze, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation can get devices with similar characteristics, Zhirokhov emphasized. According to him, Russian designers can independently make the necessary changes. However, he believes that in the near future this will not be. He explained why: so far, a certain number of drones are still coming - the Ukrainian air defense is not beating all the battering ammunition.

Everything will change if all 100%will be killed. Zhirokhov summed up: "When they have a loss of 100%, then they may think that something is worth upgrading. " It should be noted that in the fall of 2022 the Russian Federation launches in Ukraine drones-Kamikadze, signed as "Geran-2" as if Russian production. Structurally, the devices are identical to the Drone-Kamikadze Shahd-136/131, which are designed in Iran. Iran denies that it sells the Russian Federation for war in Ukraine.

However, the Kremlin builds a plant in Tatarstan and plans to produce the necessary devices independently. Ukraine has prepared a report on the results of the inspection of drones, which were beaten by the Armed Forces. It turned out that they were created using blocks made by enterprises of Western countries: USA, Canada, Japan, Germany, Poland and others. In the fall of 2023, Iran was visited by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoig.

The official was shown an exhibition of Iranian weapons: the media suggested that there could be negotiations on new military procurement. We would like to remind you that a radio expert spoke about new blocks that can be installed in Shahaneda. According to him, these are small modems that can transmit data on Ukrainian air defense.