
Will exhaust the air defense: why it is difficult for Ukraine to knock new Russian drones "Herbera" - expert

The invaders start cheap drones without explosives, but mobile fire groups and air defense forces can be difficult to distinguish them from "Shahmed", says Sergei Beskrestnov. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation began to use in the shelling of Ukraine the drones of "Herbera", which is a cheap analogue of shock drones "Shahhed". The Ukrainian military expert in the field of radio technologies Sergey Beskrestnov in an interview with dev. ua.

told about how to protect himself from new Russian UAVs, a Ukrainian military expert in the field of radio technologies. Sergei Beskrestnov noted that the occupiers launch "gerberas", both with explosives and without. Air defense (air defense) should be distinguished by Herbera from Shahaneda with the help of radar stations to determine what purpose the missiles should be spent. Otherwise, this will be a problem for Ukraine.

"The main risk is that they will deplete us with this smaller and cheaper Shahheda counterpart," the expert said. A similar situation with mobile firing groups (MVG). According to the expert, it will be difficult for fighters to determine which drone is really dangerous. The invaders can put charges inside cheap UAVs so it is unclear which device has exploded. In such circumstances, you can count whipped drones of a certain type only by debris.

In addition, mobile fire groups cannot knock down all drones. Thus, in recent months, Russian "chemales" began to fly beyond their reach at an altitude of 2-2. 5 kilometers, declining before the blow. At the same time, the expert noted that Ukrainians have long and successfully struggled with the presence of cameras in drones. He did not specify what measures they are taking, noting only that this has to work with Ukraine's mobile operators.

In order to violate the communication of the invaders, companies must give appropriate internal orders. "Organizational processes need to be launched," the radio technology specialist stressed. Recall that the occupiers use new UAV "Herbera" as false goals for exhaustion of air defense. They can also be used for intelligence and carry an explosive. New Russian drones made of cheap materials are made: plywood, cardboard and foam. Inside the apparatus - cheap electronics.