
F-16 knocked out rockets of the Russian Federation during shelling on August 26: Zelensky declared the work of aircraft (video)

Western partners provided Ukraine with too few F-16 fighters, which were first used to beat Russian missiles, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said. The head of state reminded the partners of permission to strikes on the Russian Federation, but they avoid such conversations. The latter massive rocket-a-okone attack of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was directed against Ukraine's energy infrastructure.

Some rockets were successfully hunted by F-16 fighters, which received the Armed Forces from Western partners. The President of Ukraine spoke about the peculiarities of the first use of the F-16 during the press conference on July 27, which was broadcast on the YouTube channel of the head of the state.

Zelensky explained to journalists that during the massive shelling of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which took place on August 26, the Russians launched more than 230 aircraft of damage. On that day, Ukraine for the first time raised the F-16 fighters for killing rockets of the Russian Federation. "As part of this huge attack, we have already shot down some rockets with the help of the F-16," the President said.

The head of Ukraine thanked the Western partners for giving fighters, but noted that the aircraft were lacking. "We thank our partners for providing these F-16. Of course, this is not enough for us,"-he sounded during a press conference. Zelensky's answer was after the question of CNN journalist to ban the partners to beat Western weapons in the Russian territory (approximately, 20th minute from the beginning of the press conference).

The President said he was constantly touching on this problem, and they do not want to talk to him on this topic. As for the F-16, the politician added that much depends on the US position and plans for the preparation of Ukrainian pilots. It should be noted that on the morning and morning on August 26 the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation conducted a massive shelling of Ukraine, Focus wrote. The Russians attacked two main waves.

The first was attended by Shakhad's drones, in the second, except UAVs, rockets of different types flew by Ukrainians. According to Prime Minister Desna Shmigal, exploded in 15 regions of Ukraine. Ukrenergo NEC confirmed that the Russians have damaged a number of energy facilities, so emergency and planned shutdowns are being introduced again. Meanwhile, shots of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the dam of the Kiev hydroelectric power station appeared on the network.

The head of the NSDC misinformation center Andriy Kovalenko stated that Russian missiles would not pierce the dam and urged not to be influenced by Russian propaganda. The air forces of the Armed Forces reported on the consequences of the reflection of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on August 26. According to the air command, the Russians launched 127 missiles, among them-"daggers", "Isanders", X-101, "calibers". 102 rockets were knocked down, ie 95%.