
Record Income in the War: How much Poland earns at gasoline for Ukraine

Poles are increasingly talking about fatigue from Ukraine. Recalling this, economist Sergei Kuyun invites our partners to calculate what huge money they made from the beginning of the war only in fuel transit through their territory. He who traveled to Poland through Helm probably saw the cheerful railway composition of UPG branded tanks.

But for me personally, this picture is not interesting for my aesthetics, it is a very demonstrative illustration and a reminder of changes in the fuel market and its logistics over the last two years. The Polish direction of import of petroleum products from 0% in 2021 increased to 36% in 2023. In absolute numbers it is 2. 1 million tons of gasoline, diesel and liquefied gas. Only 20% of this volume is fuel of Polish production. The rest - transit from Polish ports, Germany, Lithuania with Latvia.

70% of the volume was received by rail, the rest - by road. So, Ukraine gave impetus to the loading of Polish refineries, ports, railways, roads. A large package of orders to Polish traders who have reported on the historical record of profits has been formed. The latter can also be interpreted as record taxes in the Polish budget.

How much is it in money? According to my calculations, if you take the average tariffs for transshipment in ports, rail, transshipment on the border from a narrow to a wide track and road costs, we will get about $ 330 million for 2022-2023. I do not deny that the amount is actually higher because the fuel awards in 2022 were fantastic. Once again, it is not a turnover (it is measured by billions of euros), it is the earnings of state and private companies of Poland. And this is only one industry.

Therefore, it is strange to hear about fatigue from Ukraine, especially from the Poles. The war provided a powerful incentive to the Polish economy as through demand for goods and services, at the expense of the work of millions of Ukrainians in Poland, thanks to access to a huge market, where Polish goods took priority in order of Russian and Belarussian. I think I'm not much mistaken if I say that our strategic partner is growing fastest in Europe.