
Payments of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for those who want to fight in Ukraine have increased 10 times - analyst (infographic)

The most money for the contract is received by the inhabitants of the Krasnodar region - more than 1. 6 million rubles. The least, 67 thousand rubles, is issued in the Nizhnovartov Tyumen region of the Russian Federation. The Russian regions have significantly increased the one -time payments for volunteers, which enter into contracts in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In the Krasnodar region, for example, payments became the largest and reached almost $ 20,000.

The peculiarities of finding a replenishment for the Russian army are referred to in the infographic created by the Deepstate group. Deepstate experts have created an infographic based on data that Ukrainian analyst Yevgeny Eastrebin posted on Facebook. Istrebin posted information that he found on the websites of the Russian regional authorities and in Rosmia.

It turned out that in the summer of 2024, for concluding a contract with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Russians received from 670 thousand rubles. (about $ 8 thousand) to 1 675 thousand rubles. (about $ 18,000). In addition, in 13 regions receive 1 million rubles. And more: among these regions there are, for example, the Moscow region.

The leaders include four Russian regions: the post indicates that the amount of payments indicates that the Russians do not want to go to the Russian army, which is fighting with Ukrainians. The Russian authorities saw that the mobilized was not enough, and volunteers were not enough. Therefore, they decided to replenish the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation thanks to large money.

"Numbers are evidence that the losses are large and stable, so there is a constant need for so -called" volunteers ", - said Deepstate experts. On Istrebin's page, you can find data on the growth rate of payments: the analyst compared 2023 and 2024. Karachayevo-Cherkesky Republic and in the Krasnodar Territory increased 10 times, in the Rostov region-7 times, in Kabardno-Balkaria-three times, in St. Petersburg-twice. Russo-Ukrainian war.