
Negotiations with the Russian Federation though tomorrow, but there is a condition: the results of the global peace summit in Switzerland

In Switzerland, the final declaration of the Global Peace Summit was signed. Of the 93 countries, communicke was supported by 80, out of 8 organizations-4. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Russia can start peace talks tomorrow, but for this it needs to withdraw troops from the territories of Ukraine. On Sunday, June 16, a two -day global world of peace ended at the Swiss resort near Lucerne. Ukraine and Switzerland have invited more than 160 delegations.

101 countries, including international organizations, took part in the international meeting. Two-thirds of the participating countries were represented at the highest level-presidents or prime ministers. The focus gathered the key events of the second day of the summit. The participants of the Global Peace Summit agreed, as planned, a common position on three of the ten "Peace Formula" points, which President Volodymyr Zelenskyy presented in November 2022, during a G20 meeting in Indonesia.

It is food safety, nuclear and energy safety, as well as the release of all the prisoners and deported by Russia of Ukrainians and Ukrainian women, adults and children. Communicque text is published on the Presidential website. Zelensky stated that the document remains open and can continue to join the country. The list of 80 countries and 4 organizations that supported the document was published by the President of Ukraine on Telegram.

It is known that they did not sign their signature: by the way, countries such as Hungary, Slovakia, Turkey and Serbia supported the communique. The signatories have a joint vision of the following aspects: Italy Prime Minister George Meloni has stated that Russia will be forced to surrender if they do not agree to the conditions offered by the countries at the Peace Summit. "To defend Ukraine means to combine all efforts of the international community to protect Ukraine.

If Russia does not agree with this, we will make it surrender! Peace in Ukraine does not mean that Ukraine should seem, as Putin believes. So will not be," - said Meloni . Lithuania President Gitanas Nauseda believes that peace in Ukraine can only be reached if the Russian troops are completely withdrawn. And calls to Kiev to surrender and compromise for their sovereignty will serve only the "peace that the Russian Federation will receive to continue the war.

" Greek Prime Minister Kiriakos Michotakis assured that his country would continue to help Ukraine in order to be able to go to "real negotiations that would lead to a real peace. " National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan stressed that Washington will be with Ukraine until she wins. According to him, the latest statements of Russian President Vladimir Putin "reject the UN Statute, the main morality and common sense.

" The Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte is convinced that "peace will come only when Russia will agree with all the international principles and the UN Charter. " The diplomatic advisor to the President of the United Arab Emirates Anwar Gargash believes that Russia should be present at the summit. The negotiations between Russia and Ukraine are insisted on by Ecuador President Daniel Noboa.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy gave the final press conference on the results of the Global Peace Summit. The Head of State stated that Russia has made a lot of efforts to ensure that the leaders and representatives of a number of countries did not come to the peace of peace in Switzerland. As for Beijing, Zelensky noted that he would like to be a friend for Ukraine. "Ukraine has never said that China is our enemy. And I ask you not to use such things.

I always say that Ukraine's enemy is one - Putin," the head of state said. Zelensky stressed that "Ukraine respects China and has always respected territorial integrity and sovereignty of this state. " According to him, "everything that Ukraine would like to do the same thing about it. " "As soon as Brazil and China join the principles that we have united today, we will be happy to hear their thoughts, even if they do not coincide with most of the world.

It is normal - to combine efforts for the end of the war," - explained president. Volodymyr Zelensky stated that Vladimir Putin, on the eve of the Peace Summit, crossed all his previous words about his readiness for peace talks. "Man (Putin-Ed. ) Offers Ukraine to get out of some of our territories, which under our control, which ours are absolutely legitimate.

A person who wants to end the war can speak anything, even about a frozen conflict that does not suit us Because we do not believe them, but here a person has completely provoked the whole world and, honestly, frightened, saying that he is not going to end the war, but wants to capture the territory. He conveyed to the world that everything he had told about the desire to finish the war before he was multiplied by zero, "the President said.