
The future of war in Ukraine: only drones will be fighting in the year, the infantry will go underground - expert

The saying "War of drones" can soon become a literal description of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The infantry simply will not be able to appear on the line of contact due to many drones. From a year to one year to a year, there will be so many drones at the theater of war in Ukraine on both sides that they will be enough to defeat every military.

This forecast was shared by the Ukrainian military and radio expert, drones and radio electronic wrestling, Sergei Beskrestnov with the call sign "Flash" on his Telegram channel. "Remember my words. In six months, both sides will start producing enough FPV to destroy every soldier," Beskrestnov writes. According to the forecast, saturation with technical means will allow to find and destroy everyone in the collision zone for any time.

"And day and night on the surface, in a strip up to 5-8 km, all the fighters will be revealed and destroyed," Flash adds. According to him, infantry clashes will go into the past because of their obvious impossibility. The soldiers will be replaced by both air and landless drones. "All the infantry will go underground, and all activity in the near area will lie on the controlled terrestrial robots," the expert concludes.

We will remind, in December 2023 President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskaya said that Ukraine will produce 1 million drones in 2024. He spoke in favor of increasing the production of unmanned aerial vehicles and the creation of special units. In his opinion, the rapid production of drones requires an infrastructure different from the Soviet.

According to the Deputy Minister of Strategic Industry Anna Gvozdyar, 200,000 FPV-aules were produced in Ukraine in the first two months of 2024, and Ukrainian enterprises will be able to produce 2 million drones of different types, including FPV. In addition to the production of available types of UAVs, the development of new ones is also underway in Ukraine.