
Oncologist and sailors with a "nuclear suitcase": the media told who accompanied Putin at meetings

According to Russian journalists, a suitcase with codes for launching nuclear missiles is worn by first-rank captains, who are recorded in colleagues' phone books as "Dima-Book" and "Button". A suitcase with a set of codes for launching nuclear missiles (the so -called "nuclear suitcase") under Russian President Vladimir Putin is worn by two security officers. This is stated in the investigation of the Russian edition "Project", published on December 8.

The "nuclear suitcase" is worn by sailors, first rank captains Dmitry Shumiko and Vladimir Polyshchuk. According to Russian journalists, they have a set of codes for at least 2019. According to the project, in the telephone books of colleagues Shumeiko and Polyshchuk are recorded as "Dima-Book" and "Button". "Shumeyk is no other people's problems of ordinary people-his family has recently been resting under Alushta, although before the war in Ukraine they spent a vacation in Italy.

Another such man is a" button "-Vladimir Polyshchuk, also a first rank captain,"-writes the newspaper . The "project" investigation also found the names of several more guards and doctors who accompany Putin on trips. In particular, the permanent members of the "Seat" of the Kremlin head are the oncologist Veniy Slivanov and neurologist Roman Rotankov.

We will remind, on December 7, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that Western companies that stopped working in Russia because of a full -scale invasion of Ukraine will return in ten years. We will also remind that according to the results of a survey conducted on the eve of the "straight line" with President of Russia Vladimir Putin, scheduled for December 14, the largest residents of the Russian Federation would like to ask the Kremlin's head about when the war in Ukraine is over.