
War in Ukraine: 10% of Ukrainians still want friendship with Russia (survey)

The results of a sociological survey by KIIS showed that in all regions of Ukraine the vast majority of the population wants to close borders with Russia and introduce a visa regime with this country. In Ukraine, 10% of the population still want to develop friendly relations with the aggressor state. This is evidenced by the results of the survey of the Kiev International Institute of Sociology, which was published on June 27.

In addition, 1% of Ukrainians surveyed said that our country and the Russian Federation should become the only state. However, such sentiment in Ukraine in the minority, as almost 80% of Ukrainians stand for closed borders, visas and customs with Russia. To illustrate how ten years the attitude of Ukrainians to the Russians has changed, a chart was created in KIM.

It shows that in 2013, 70% of the population wanted to develop friendly relations with Russia, which will not have a place of closed borders and visas. And only 15% believed that the rules of crossing the Ukrainian-Russian border should be the same as in the case of other states. In addition, 12% of Ukrainians believed that Ukraine should lose its independence and join the Russian Federation. CIME Executive Director Anton Hrushetsky also commented on the results of the poll.

According to him, all the surveys by 2014 convincingly testified that in different years, 80-90% of Ukrainians treated Russia and more than 90% were well treated with the Russians, and also wanted to live independent but friendly states. "Therefore, the current indicators that testify to a frankly negative attitude towards Russia and ordinary Russians and the desire to" shield themselves "are the result of Russia's aggression, not the other way around," he said.

We will remind, in early June sociologists learned how many Ukrainians are ready to defend the integrity of the country. From the chart organizations published on the website it is evident that 84% of Ukrainians continue to keep the view that no territorial concessions are acceptable, even if the war will last longer and there will be other threats. Only 10% believe that in order to achieve peace and maintain independence, some territories can be abandoned.