
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation At night attacked Ukraine rockets and Shahd: there are victims and hit, details (photos)

The Russian military launched ten shock UAVs in Ukraine, four anti-aircraft guided missiles C-300 and the winged rocket of the Iskander-K ground base. The forces of air defense destroyed nine drones and winged rocket, told in the air forces. On the night of November 20 to November 21, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation attacked the peaceful cities of Ukraine with the help of shock unmanned aerial vehicles, anti -aircraft guided missiles and a cruise missile.

This was reported in the Air Force press service on Telegram. "On the night of November 21, 2023, the shatters were attacked from the southeastern direction (Primorsko-Akhtarsk-RF) 10 shock UAVs like ShahED. Also, the enemy was released by 4 anti-aircraft controlled missiles C-300 in the Donetsk direction and one winged rocket rocket terrestrial "Iskander-K" base from Dzhankoy (Crimea), "the message reads.

As a result of combat work, nine Russian Russian drones of Shahd-131/136 and I Iskander-K's winged rocket were destroyed by the forces and means of the Air Force. The PS stressed that mobile fire groups, fighter aviation and anti -aircraft missile units were involved. The head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Military Administration Sergey Lisak said that at night the invaders attacked the Nikopol district. One of the villages of the Marganets community, the enemy hit heavy artillery.

It was without the dead and the victims. According to Lisak, in the rest of the territories of the region was calm - with airy, without shelling. "Our air defense is a power. Late in the evening, the defenders of the sky destroyed the hostile rocket over the region," said Sergei Lisak. The first deputy chief of the Khmelnytsky Regional Military Administration Serhiy Turin noted that at night during air alarm in the region worked air defense.

"As of this time, reports to the relevant services of the victims or infrastructure damage were not received. Thank you for the Armed Forces for Excellent Work!" Said Tyurin. The head of the Nikolaev regional military administration Vitaliy Kim stated that on the night of November 21 at 01:13 Russian invaders struck artillery blows at the water area of ​​the Ochakov community. According to him, it was without the victims.

The chairman of the Volyn Regional Military Administration Yuri Pogulayko reported that SHahd drone was destroyed in the region. "According to the military, the Shahaned drones were destroyed in Volyn. There are no victims, the situation is under control," he said. The Selidov City Military Administration stated that the enemy attacked the city of Selidovo with two C-300 missiles.

"There was a Selidovsk Central City Hospital under the blow, 3 buildings were significantly damaged," - the message reads. The MVA noted that seven patients were injured as a result of the impact, and they are now in a satisfactory condition, they were provided with the necessary assistance. We will remind, on the night of November 21 the Russian military carried out an attack by Droam-Kamikadze on Ukraine. Air alarm was declared in a number of regions.