
Ordered refrigerators from Russia: the media learned the details of the hospital overhaul in Poltava (photo)

The children's department proposes to install 11 new personal computers for 345. 7 thousand UAH, as well as the Bomann CB-563 electric kettles worth 10105 UAH each. In Poltava, refrigerators from Russia were ordered at the overhaul of an infectious hospital and overpaying them. About it reports the publication "Poltava region".

In the tender documentation, which was acquainted with Poltava journalists, they were most amazed by the presence of POZIS CF-140 pharmaceutical refrigerators of Russian production. Products are made at the Sergo Plant under the Pozis brand. The company is part of the State Corporation "Rostekh", which is a monopolist in the field of supply of ammunition and weapons for Russian troops. The other day, the Security Service of Ukraine has declared suspicion of Sergei Chemezov, the CEO of Rostech.

CF-140 refrigerators, the cost of which is estimated at 21. 5 thousand rubles (UAH 7. 7 thousand), is provided for 46. 6 thousand UAH. This is six times more expensive, which means overpayment of more than 100 thousand UAH in only one position of equipment. The medical facility planned to carry out a complex of works. The relevant initiative included the replacement of equipment and communications in a two-storey building, which is designed for 28 beds.

The changes also concerned the roof and basement of the institution. The result of the tender with one participant showed that the contracting company was selected - Poltava LLC "Ukrbudproektciti" with a proposal of 64 million UAH. Provided that all funding is available, the company has announced everyone. The children's department proposes to install 11 new personal computers for 345. 7 thousand UAH. Only the power of the power supplies (300 watts) is indicated from their characteristics.