
The plan of the Russian Federation did not work: why the European Union will survive this winter without Russian gas

Gas reserves in the European Union and the United Kingdom have exceeded the 10 -year seasonal average as of February 10. Despite the fact that Northwestern Europe has passed for more than half of the heating season, there is still a record in storage, as for February, the volume of gas. Against this background, the cost of "blue fuel" is reduced. About it writes Reuters with reference to the data of Gas infrastructure Europe (Gie).

So, according to the association data, gas reserves in the European Union and the United Kingdom have exceeded the ten -year seasonal average as of February 10. As a result, the storage was still filled by 67%, while the ten -year average is 49%. At the same time, as it is noted, seasonal excess gas storage facilities are likely to continue to increase. In Europe, there may be a situation that at the end of winter, the repositories will be almost 60%.

According to journalists, March futures for gas on Habi TTF in the Netherlands decreased to 25. 4 euros per MWh ($ 285 per thousand cubic meters). In October, prices were about twice as high (about 50 euros per MWh). At the same time, Europe continues to consume less gas, while consumption is reduced not only among households but also from industry. The reason: this winter the temperature was higher than the average, but especially in October (2. 5 degrees) higher than normal and December (at +2.

8 degrees). According to the European Center for medium -term weather forecasts, the temperature will remain higher than the norm in the European Union and the United Kingdom by the end of February. Recall that in the first days of January 2024, futures for "blue fuel" in the first days of January 2024 fell by almost 35%, and futures in Europe fell to the lowest level in almost five months - $ 340 per thousand cubic meters. The weather contributed to this.