
There are still many tanks and people in the Russian Federation: why you need to prepare for possible retreat from Avdiivka - expert (video)

Without the rapid adoption of the Mobilization Act, Ukraine can only be in defense. To enter the borders of 1991, new shock groups need to be formed, according to the reserve colonel Ivan Yakubets. Russia has about 6,000 tanks and other armored vehicles, which corresponds to the amount that was destroyed by the Armed Forces for the entire period of large -scale invasion. In addition, the aggressor MIC is capable of producing 100 new tanks on a monthly basis.

The reserve colonel and former commander of the airmobile troops of Ukraine Ivan Yakubets told this in an interview with focus. According to him, the occupiers will not have a shortage in armored vehicles, as well as in personnel. According to GUR, a close 20,000 mobilized, already prepared soldiers have been supplied to the Russian Army. "Proof of this is active offensive actions in five directions in Ukraine: Kupyansk, Mariinsky, Lyman, Avdiivsky and Bakhmutsky," says the military.

"The enemy also has much more shells than in the Armed Forces in the summer. " The reserve colonel notes that the enemy has not yet used his potential stock for the offensive and will continue to actively occur until mid -March. In its turn, Ukraine must last until the issue of regular weapons and financial assistance from the US and Europe is finally resolved, and the Ukrainian MIC is even more activated. At best, military assistance will come to Ukraine in April.

"And the main problem is the criminal delay of the deputies to pass the mobilization law," Yakubets emphasizes. - Now you need to prepare and complete the army, which will be ready in April to go to the front, and the law itself will just start operating in April. " The military expert positively evaluates the decision to move to active defense from the Armed Forces with tactical strikes on the rear of the enemy.

Everyone should be cooled and ready to retreat from Avdiivka, because this option is quite likely, says the reserve colonel. "Avdiivka can be kept if you cut at least one" clicable "enemy, which is now coming from the sides, the military notes. The main thing, according to Yakubets, do not get the second Mariupol so that our fighters do not get into the environment.

Commanders need to be honest and timely report on the situation near Avdiivka, because the President insists on its maintenance, but there is a limit to which it is advisable to maintain this direction. It is necessary to understand, notes the military, that it is impossible to reach active defense to the borders of 91 years, for this it is necessary to move forward with the help of shock groups. And these groups require a large number of mobilized and military equipment.

"It is necessary for the BP to pass the law on mobilization as soon . Recall that after the summons of the summons, the man must appear in the CCC and JV. However, the purpose of the visit may vary depending on the type of document.