
Where does the money come from? Russia earns billions under sanctions and the event is still

Russia is utterly beating Ukraine in quality of economic policy, recognizes economist Yaroslav Romanchuk. The event was unable to resist this - so Ukraine should review the format of relations with the West. The aggressor completely beats us in quality of economic policy. Ukraine: Pypetonic assistance + hole sanctions + internal socialism/schemetosis in October 2023. The aggressor country received $ 11. 3 billion income from oil sales. This is a record since May this year.

In the presence of a price ceiling, India buys Russian oil at $ 72 a barrel. According to Bloomberg, Russia's income from oil exports is now greater than the hot phase of war against Ukraine. Let's determine the enemy's resources. According to the IMF, in 2022, Russia's GDP amounted to $ 2244 billion. This is $ 407. 6 billion more than in 2021. The revenues of the Russian State Administration in 2022 were 34.

65% of GDP, or ~ $ 778 billion for comparison: comparison: comparison: This indicator of 2021 was $ 653 billion. That is, in the first year of Russian aggression, a genocide war, when the event promised us sanctions from hell against Russia, its state income increased by $ 125 billion. That is, the Russian aggressor could wage war almost only on additional state revenues .

In 2022, the expenditures of the State Administration of Russia amounted to 36% of GDP or ~ $ 808 billion for comparison, in 2021 they were 34. 8% In 2022, the aggressor countries were compensated by additional income by almost 75%. Now let's look at 2023. Russia's GDP is expected to plus 2. 2%. In dollar terms due to the devaluation of the Russian ruble, GDP will be ~ $ 1. 9 - 2 trillion.

The revenues of the State Administration (Federal, Local Budgets, Funds) will be ~ 33% of GDP, or ~ $ 660 billion, expenditures - 36% of GDP, or ~ $ 720 billion yes, this is less than 2022, but by $ 81 billion more than 2021 the year. Such a rigid truth of life. The enemy cannot be underestimated. It is impossible to count on the success of those partners and their decisions that are paper, formal, declarative. Here is what happens to the hydrocarbons of the aggressor country.

Russia's revenue from hydrocarbon exports in 2022 amounted to $ 383. 7 billion, ie more than one billion a day. This is a record indicator in the history of modern Russia. This brought to the budget ~ $ 350 billion or ~ 45% of all government revenues. In 2023, hydrocarbon income is expected at ~ $ 220 - 250 billion. This is ~ 38% of the revenues of the State Administration. Oil production in Russia in 2023 will be ~ 527 million tons.

This is only 2% less than in 2022 not through sanctions, but by agreement with the OPEC stakeholders. And this is in the conditions of sanctions, obvious, open, unconcealed genocidal aggression against Ukraine. The net profit of Rashist banks in 2023 will be ~ $ 38 billion in plus industry. Unemployment - less than 3%. Retail is growing. Investments in fixed capital - in a big plus. Monetary real income is ~ 5%, real salary + ~ 8% in 2023.

The main buyers of Russian coal are China, India and South Korea. The main buyers of Russian crude oil are China, India, the EU and Turkey. The main buyers of the liquefied natural gas of Russia - the EU, China and Japan. This position of Russian exports outside sanctions. The main buyers of Russian liquefied oil gas - Turkey and the EU. The main buyers of Russian petroleum products are Turkey, China and Saudi Arabia. The main buyers of Russian pipeline gas - EU, Turkey and China.