
RBPP-500 and "Predator": the Ministry of Defense allowed two machine gun complexes (photo)

Complexes contain 500-600 machine gun ammunition. This allows you to fire without pauses for recharge. The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has allowed two tactical machine gun complexes RBPP-500 and "Predator". The press service of the department reports. "Predator" is a backpack complex that is intended for placement and continuous feeding of machine gun tapes. It can be placed cartridges for both PC machine guns (PKM) 7. 65x54 mm, and for German machine guns MG42 caliber 7. 62x51 mm.

The capacity is 560 or 630 cartridges. The second complex of RBPP-500 is also intended for 7. 62 mm of PCM and MG42 machine guns. Its capacity is 500 cartridges. The Ministry of Defense also stated that thanks to the accelerator of the department, the procedure for admission to operation of development was reduced to 45 days.

"The Defense Ministry continues to work on providing the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in particular the means of melee and far battle," - said in the department that both complexes have proven reliability and efficiency in use after successful tests. It is worth noting that the "predator" was developed at least in 2015, because then the GUR reported that volunteers purchased several sets for scouts. During this time it was proved and modernized.