
ASU has been smoked "Close Eyes" Russia: Ukrainian Sky is cleaned from the RFD.

Ukrainian hunters for intelligence drones were able to carry out a whole technological revolution, rejoices in the serviceman Igor Lutsenko. Over the past couple of months, they have knocked down the same amount of enemy UAV as during all previous years of the war. Another technological revolution is rising in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Over the past couple of months, Ukrainians have knocked down as many intelligence drones of the enemy as during all previous years of the war.

And they spent 100 times less money, based on the result. I hope that everything goes and further and we will completely close our sky from the enemy's reconnaissance wings. If they fly, then for a few minutes, no more. It is not easy to describe how much it will mean to our war. "Himars", long -range artillery, helicopters and pilots of aircraft at aerodromes, Far UAV operators will be able to breathe more freely.

The round-the-clock hunt, which is now armed with "Iskanders" and C-300 Russians will stop. The cabins will become much less effective. Logistics in the rear will become much safer. "Lacets" will not be able to give a certain horizon. The advantage in the war will be the one who will be able to effectively "close their eyes" of the enemy. The experience of the Ukrainian military shows that this is a real task. As always, the initiative came from below.