
They rushed and swore: there was a clash between military and civilians in Kharkiv region (video)

During the push that happened between the serviceman and the civilian, he can hear the swearing and a few slaps on the face of the incident participants. In the Kharkiv Regional TCC, the events in Merefa have not yet commented. Two men in military uniforms in the city of Merefa, Kharkiv region, became participants in a clash with a civilian man and a woman. Witnesses of the event claim that the military is employees of the territorial staffing center (TCC).

The possible scandal from the shopping center on June 10 was told at the Telegram channel "Kharkiv Life". Video clashes in Merefa were posted at 15:35 June 10. The author of the post indicates that the incident involved in the military. In particular, the military showed "aggressive behavior" to civilians. "We are informed of today's incident with the CCC in Merefa, where an employee demonstrates aggressive behavior to both a man and a woman who tries to join him," the social network post reads.

On the record you can see an incident, which is joined by two military and three civilians. One military encroaches on a man dressed only in shorts and flip flops. The man tries to protect her body with a woman who uses obscene vocabulary. It is a stinging, during which a woman falls on the sidewalk, and the man is twisted nearby. Meanwhile, an eyewitness, who conducts a record, protests against a fight and reflects from another military, in which a wheelchair.

The operator exclaims that it is "illegal" and offers to call the police. Meanwhile, the man in the form threatens that he will break her phone. At the Facebook page of the Kharkiv Regional Shopping Center and JV, at the time of the article, there was no reaction to a scandal that could be involved in the military enlistment office in Merefa. Earlier, Focus talked about other incidents in which the military committees participated.

For example, on May 22, there was a jolt at a public transport stop in Kharkiv, whose persons were in shape and several civilians. In the video, he can hear one of the soldiers that he has just returned from the front, while he uses obscene vocabulary. Meanwhile, a man who, when shaking, sends on a bench. Suniers suggest calling an ambulance.

The military enlistment office explained that the Kharkiv resident seemed to be drunk, and the servicemen had recently returned from the front, having been injured. In Transcarpathia, a fight between military and civilians also occurred in May 4. In this case, civilians, representatives of Roma nationality, "reflected" two people who tried to mobilize to the Armed Forces.