
Robes, UAVs and simulators: Ukrainians presented new developments for war with the Russian Federation (photo)

Hackathon participants presented a robotic visual platform, a simulator for Styinger's MSR operators, a solution to detect enemy artillery and a number of other developments for the military. At the end of July, the Hakatoton Precision was held, in which Ukrainian engineers, programmers and innovators worked on decisions to strengthen the Defense Forces of Ukraine. The finalists of hackathon were 12 teams, which presented their developments before the professional jury.

The focus was reported in the Ministerus. According to the ministry, the enemy has an advantage in the number of people, ammunition and equipment. Domestic production facilities and the MIC of Partner countries are not able to offset this advantage, so Ukrainians have to look for non-standard solutions. The search for such decisions was concentrated by the participants of the hackathon precision. In total, more than 200 participants, united in more than 60 teams, participated in Hakaton.

They were helped by mentors, including military personnel and experts in the field of defense technologies. The teams worked for 2 days, focusing on the following areas: the teams presented their results in the form of sweat. The development, in particular, was evaluated by representatives of the General Staff, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Strategure, the personnel military and investors.

According to the results of the evaluation, 12 teams came out to the finals, showing decisions for the military in various fields. For example, one of the teams presented a simulator, with the help of which the military can work out their skills in working with Stinger MAS. According to the authors of the project, the more Ukrainian military will be trained on such a simulator, the higher the percentage of the confusion of hostile goals.

"Our main motivation is the realization that our simulators help the forces of defense in the war and save lives on the battlefield," the team said. The other team presented an innovative solution that allows you to detect enemy artillery through the sound of a shot. According to the developers, sound sensors can detect enemy howitzers and mortars up to 25 kilometers. Thanks to this device, the soldiers can get information about the location of the enemy installation faster and strike.

Among the development is a machine -vision robot that can track its target and apply fire. According to the Ministry of Defense, technologies that are now associated mainly from UAVs are actively used in terrestrial robotic systems. Such developments resemble plots from classic science fiction films. "Our task in the technological war is to constantly generate innovations, to be open, to look for quick solutions and to be a few steps ahead.

Such measures as Hakaton Precision is quintessence of this, because they bring together the best engineers from different corners of Ukraine around a common goal - victory Of Ukraine In turn, the head of the Brave1 cluster Natalia Kushnernskaya announced their intention to work with the acceleration of technology development together with the teams that best proven themselves on the hackathon, so that Ukrainian defenders get ready decisions as soon as possible and start using them against the enemy.

The teams have already received an invitation to join the cluster to get organizational, information and financial support for their own projects. "Hakhoton is only the first stage. There is a lot of work ahead of the improvement of decisions, but it is obvious that such events are formed decisions that later become gamchenjarians of war," - said in the Ministry of Defense.