
"Very bad": the Armed Forces in Zaporozhye lured the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation into the trap of tanks - social networks

The drone of the invaders allegedly recorded several left tanks Leopard and BMP. The Russians decided to "shake" Western equipment. In Zaporozhye, Russian invaders were trapped in the Armed Forces. They were lured by the mulagians of armored vehicles. About it writes the Russian telegram-channel "Kremlevskaya Table". It is noted that the NP happened last week in the Verbovoy area in the Melitopol direction. The drone of the invaders allegedly recorded several Leopard tanks and Western BMPs.

The Russians decided to "strofeiti" the left Western equipment. "As soon as the boys came to the place, they were tightly covered with artillery fire," - said one of the military of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Subsequently, it turned out that the "left equipment" was made of metal and rubber. It is also noted that the occupiers got from their own.

At the moment they got to Ukrainian equipment, they were recorded by the drone of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and "colleagues" opened a friendly fire. "It turned out very badly, the boys came under our fire and Ukrainian," - says the source of "Tabacker" in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. As a result, 19 soldiers were killed, seven more injured. Two pieces of equipment have been lost. The invaders are investigating and seeking guilty in the incident.