
Wave behind the wave: the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation near the time ravine spend up to 20 storms a day - the Armed Forces (map)

According to Oleg Kalashnikov, the chief of the press service of the 26th Artbrigade, the enemy tries to ensure the high intensity of hostilities in the Donbass, so that Ukrainian defenders do not have time to "breathe". Russian invaders do not stop pressing on the positions of Ukrainian defenders near the city of Yar in Donetsk region. At least 20 assaults. The head of the press service of the 26th Artillery Brigade named after Roman Dashkevich Oleg Kalashnikov on the air "Espresso.

TV" told about it in more detail. According to him, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation try to constantly maintain the high intensity of infantry assault actions near a small town in the Donbass. This is done in order to get closer to the position of defense forces. "On some days in the time -Narodivsky direction, the occupiers can carry out up to 20 assault actions of our positions. It is about infantry assaults without involving a mechanized component.

They can also carry out up to 5 assaults a day. That is, this indicates that they really do not have any Nechrugal human potential. Separately, the chief of the press service of the 26th Artbrigade added that the attacks were needed to the enemy in order not to give rest to Ukrainian defenders. Sometimes enemy storms last a wave after a wave.

But when it comes to managed aircraft, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation began to attack the positions of defense forces in the Donbass with these shells, when compared to spring and summer shelling. "The main reason - their planes are actively destroyed in our direction. Also, the intensity of cabinet use by the occupiers is also affected Where they consider it more appropriate, " - summed up Oleg Kalashnikov.