
In France, they want to judge the pro -Russian MP Marin Le Pen: Details

The French MP, who refuses to recognize the occupation of the Crimean Peninsula by Russia is accused of misuse of EU funds. On Friday, September 22, the Paris Prosecutor's Office stated that MP Marin Le Pen and 23 members of her National Association Party should be awarded the court on the misuse of the European Union's funds. Reuters writes about it. The investigation in this case was started in December 2016.

The prosecutor's office intended to find out whether the funds allocated for the assistants of the EU parliamentarians were used for payments to persons working for the National Association. According to journalists, EU legislators receive money to cover expenses, in particular for the remuneration of assistants. However, these funds should not go to the needs of the party. In total, 49 assistants were considered as part of the investigation.

According to Parliament's report, some of the assistants occupy high positions in "national association". The National Association is rejected by the National Association. "We challenge this position, which seems to be a false understanding of the work of opposition legislators and their assistants, which is primarily political in nature," the party reported.

The prosecutor's office stated that Marin Le Pen was threatening a prison period for 10 years, a fine of 1 million euros, and deprivation of the right to occupy public office for 10 years. The Court has not yet decided whether to consider the prosecutor's office. We will remind, in April 2022 Marin Le Pen, having been a candidate for President of France, refused to recognize the occupation of Crimea by Russia. According to the politician, "a referendum took place on the peninsula.