
They sold excavators for nothing, and now volunteers raise money on them - wild about the fortifications of the Armed Forces (video)

The Armed Forces often encounters Soviet practice when "two soldiers from the Budbat replace the excavator", which is unacceptable because they can not dig anything in addition to the trench. Of course, unprofessional fortifications are unreliable and, in fact, Kustar region, says a military expert. Since no one in Ukraine was counting on the war for all years of independence, military and engineering equipment was simply sold for a penny.

This is especially true of engineering machines and excavators. Not surprisingly, now the same excavators are now private developers purchased for nothing, they are involved in the budget for the construction of defense structures. This was stated in an interview with Focus by the military expert and veteran of the ATO Yevgeny Dyky. In his opinion, it is a strange situation when, under the law in wartime, it is allowed to force private equipment for defense of the country, and this is not done.

Now volunteers have to raise money across the country for the purchase of excavators for military engineering units. "And the big question is the problem of setting tasks for the construction of fortifications in one place or another," says Wild. - It turns out that the solution of such issues is launched to the level of the brigade and the brigade itself decides where and who will dig the fortifications and does it on their own.

" The expert notes that the Armed Forces still often remains Soviet practice when "two soldiers from the Budbat replace the excavator", which is unacceptable because they can not dig anything in addition to the trench. Of course, unprofessional fortifications are unreliable and, in fact, Kustar. "And the worst thing is that those fighters who retreat under enemy fire have to dig themselves," the wild emphasizes.

Of course, there are many divisions and crews where engineering equipment is provided and this is where the task of constructing fortifications is set. But the commanders of such units and brigades do nothing in engineering because they were taught another. Moreover, a large number of combriges and combats are not even personnel, but attracted from the stock, but they are not experts in fortification, notes the veteran of the ATO.

"And we do not have a person who would be responsible for fortification throughout the front line," says Wild. "The brigade is responsible only for its area of ​​10-12 km and has no greater competencies. " According to the expert, now the above brigade has no guide who could be responsible for fortification not only throughout the front line, but at least within one area.

Theoretically, this should be done by the sheep-the regional military-civilian administration, but it is so littered with its affairs, including the provision of refugees that the fortification has no time. "Of course, there is a commander of engineering troops, but his task is precisely provided with equipment and people," the expert notes. "But he does not determine what and where to dig or build.

" This so -called "Surovikin line", which was built by the invaders, is not in vain called, says wild, because it was Surovik that was responsible for the whole direction and determined what, to whom and where to build. "However, in the Armed Forces, the process is still being adjusted, because by November 2023 we almost did not dug at all, except for small areas erected by the fighters themselves," says the veteran of the ATO.