
The Armed Forces occupied three bridges on the left bank of the Dnieper, a bridge is needed - a military expert

Vladislav Seleznev stated that the Ukrainian army does not have enough aviation weapons, so the main means of destruction and support of Ukrainian Marines operating on the left bank of the Dnieper are mortars and artillery tools. The Marine Corps Command has declared the creation of three bridges in the Antonovsky Road and Railway Bridges and in the area of ​​Krynka settlement. However, the bridge is required to move armored vehicles and air defense.

This was reported by military expert Vladislav Seleznev in an interview for OBOZ. ua. According to the colonel, fire control over the part of the Left Bank of the Dnieper is provided by means of damage. "These can be mortar, artillery guns or aviation," the expert said. In addition, Seleznyov noted that the Ukrainian army does not have enough aviation weapons, so the main means of destruction and support of Ukrainian Marines operating on the left bank of the Dnieper are mortars and artillery tools.

At the same time, according to the colonel, artillery guns have already allowed the Ukrainian units to move on different parts of the front on the left bank of the Dnieper at a distance of 3 to 8 kilometers. "Obviously, we have HIMARS RSSD, but their number is limited to make us the opportunity to strike massive blows," the statement said.

However, Seleznyov notes, even under such conditions in the area of ​​Antonovsky Automobile and Railway Bridges and in the area of ​​Krynka settlement, three serious bridgeheads have been created. The expert also added that the Ukrainian military progress further, on the left bank they need armored vehicles, including tanks, air defense systems and artillery systems. And to move this property from the right to the left bank, the necessary bridge.

The four bridges that existed on this front of the front were destroyed by the enemy army last fall, when it fled from Kherson and his suburbs. "As we can see, often the implementation of some tasks is related to the need to solve other tasks in that format. They are directly dependent on each other," the expert said.