
Political intrigues in Malmeson Castle. Who killed the Empress - Russian king or minister of France

Initially, the marriage of the imperial couple left much to be desired - Josephine considered Bonaparte a little strange, and both sides had novels during their life together. Napoleon Bonaparte's wife, Empress Josephine Bonaparte, was known for her grace and charm that her husband lacked. Although their marriage lasted for a long time, Napoleon loved his pretty former wife to the very end, and she seemed to love him too.

At the time of her death, which was probably caused by pneumonia, even there were rumors that the Empress was killed for trying to put his son Napoleon by the ruler of France within a great conspiracy, Grunge writes. In focus, technology appeared its Telegram channel. Subscribe not to miss the latest and most intrusive news from the world of science! When Josephine was unable to give the heir, the couple eventually divorced, but their connection remained inviolable.

She eventually retained the title of the Empress, and the couple continued to love each other at a distance. Their connection inevitably made Josephine a potentially dangerous political figure in the 19th century explosive France, even after the defeat of the emperor. After Napoleon Josephin's first exile, she could do everything she pleased, but she was still extremely worried about the fate of her ex -husband.

After her death, it was rumored that Josephine seductively found a useful political ally in her last days on earth - Russian Tsar Alexander I. Some even whispers who were killed for Bonapartist plans. It is noteworthy that the capture of Napoleon by King Alexander I preceded any participation of Josephine in their relationship. In the famous letter to Josephine, documented in Andrea Stuart's book "Rose Martinika", Napoleon wrote: "He should be with me.

If he was a woman, I think I would make him my mistress. " It was not until 1814 that Josephine and Tsar Alexander finally met, and their relationship became friendly. This meeting took place at the decisive moment of history when the Prussian army seized Paris, sending Napoleon to Elba Island. During further events, Tsar Alexander expressed his desire to meet Josephine, the invitation she initially hesitated until Napoleon convinced her of his potential benefits.

Josephine's charisma glowed when numerous European leaders visited her in Malmeson Castle. Tsar Alexander, in particular, often visited her society, giving generous gifts, including valuable diamond necklaces. The nature of their relationship raised suspicions, some assumed hidden motives. However, any potential political conspiracy was broken by the sudden death of the Empress. The question of the true cause of Josephine's death, as well as whether it was evil in intent, remains open.

On May 14, Josephine Bonaparte went for a walk with Tsar Alexander I, as reported, "cold. " Although modern sources indicate pneumonia as a cause of death, the exact cause remains uncertain. Before her death, she had a rash, fever and swollen tongue, which forced some medical experts to assume diphtheria or throat septicemia. In addition, rumors of murder were spreading. Earlier, Focus wrote about the handwriting of Queen Cleopatra. Scientists have found only one Greek word she wrote.