
Baby in exchange for freedom: Russia was offered a new initiative for imprisoned women

Russian deputy Valery Seleznev proposes to decide the demographic crisis in Russia with the help of prisoners. He also said that "the same atonement" for such women will be the creation of families with "veterans and disabled people" in Russia, deputies propose to produce prisoners in exchange for the birth of a child. Such an initiative was proposed by the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Valery Seleznev.

According to him, there are about 45,000 women in Russian prisons, larger than parts that are imprisoned for "light" articles. According to the deputy, such women can go to freedom ahead of schedule in exchange for the birth of a baby. "Many of these women are able to give birth to children.

The state can also offer them a peculiar agreement for which a woman is interrupted by the deadline for serving the sentence, and if she gave birth during such a" vacation ", the balance is canceled," the deputy said. In this way, Russia proposes to solve the demographic and social and humanitarian problem. It is worth noting that the Russian deputy of the State Duma Valery Seleznev calls the birth of a child for prisoners "the highest" by correction.

In particular, he had an analogy with the release of prisoners who go to fight against Ukraine. "Why we deprive women of women's guilt. We do not need women to give our lives on our own. But we urgently need to solve the main problem of the future country, which, undoubtedly defeating in our existence, "the deputy wrote. In addition, he noted that such women, knowing the "difficulties of life" can be wonderful moms.

The deputy added that "the same atonement, worthy of early forgiveness" will be the creation of families with "veterans and disabled people. " According to Newsweek, such steps may be a neighboring state because of a high mortality rate in the country and low birth rates. It is noted that at the beginning of 2020, the Russian Federation announced a number of measures aimed at increasing birth rates for four years before the indicator of 1. 7 children per woman.

However, in 2021, the birth rate in Russia fell to 1. 49 children per woman, which, as I write the publication, is the lowest indicator over the last 10 years. It is also noted that the war is also affected by a war, which is involved in 300,000. Recently, in Kazan, a Russian activist for a poster with the inscription "9 Waya" was accused of rehabilitation of Nazism. In fact, according to the examination, such posters create negative stereotypes against representatives of the "Red Army".